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«Face-to-face» опросы, когда интервьюер получает ответы на вопросы анкеты в процессе непосредственного личного контакта с респондентом. Такие опросы могут проводиться на улицах, в доме у респондента, на рабочем месте респондента, в других общественных местах, а также в офисе маркетинговой компании.

Телефонный опрос. Проходит в форме телефонного разговора между интервьюером и респондентом.

Интернет – опросы, являются относительно новым видом массового опроса, появившимся вместе с распространением интернета. В ходе интернет – опроса респондент получает анкету по электронной почте или находит ее на интернет - страницах, самостоятельно заполняет анкету и направляет по указанному электронному адресу.

(Кондратьев Э.В., Абрамов Р.Н. Связи с общественностью. – М: Академический Проект,

2007.- С. 209-210)

7. Problem Solving

Universal Manufacturing Corporation is located in a midwestern city of 500,000 people. Its 6,000 employees make it one of the largest employers in the country, and the company has been in its present location for the past 50 years. Despite this record, management believes that the company doesn’t have a strong identity and visibility in the community.

The director of public relations is asked to prepare a new public relations plan for the coming fiscal year. She recommends that the company first do research to determine exactly what its image is in the community.

If you were the public relations director, what informal methods of research would you use? What more formal research methods could be used? What kinds of information about the company’s image should be researched?

(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 120)

7. Урок 7 (Unit 7) Program Planning

1.Starting up

1.Do you think planning is important in public relations process?

2.What are in your opinion the most essential elements of program planning?

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2. Listening

Listening 7.1

Listen to an interview with Jeff Hunt, the CEO at GCI Group, who talks about public relations program planning. Answer these questions.

1.How does the communications plan influence the organization’s work?

2.What issues does the planner usually think over before starting to develop the communications plan?

3.What are the steps of developing the communications plan?

4.How can the target audience be made to know about the accomplishments of the organization?

Complete the extract of what Jeff Hunt says about public relations program planning.

Once you’ve learned what your _______ think of your organization, you can then begin to

_______ your desired image. You can use communications _______ to shape your _______. If you want the public to see your organization as progressive, professional or _______, look for opportunities to _______ those qualities. Then be sure your target audiences are made aware of what you’ve _______.

Of course, it’s important that you _______ a true picture of your organization – not a

_______ image. But unless the public is made aware of your _______, professionalism and community-mindedness through your communications effort – you may never achieve your desired image.

Keep in mind that the events or activities of your organization may not receive news media

_______, but this does not mean that they cannot be important public relations opportunities.

Listening 7.2.

Listen to an interview with Jeff Hunt, the CEO at GCI Group, who goes on to talk about different kinds of public relations planners and planning. Answer these questions.

1.What does Jeff Hunt say about traditional and strategic planners?

2.Why is both strategic and tactical planning important for the organization?

Complete the extract of what Jeff Hunt says about public relations planners and planning.

The best public relations practitioners are equally _______ doing both types of planning. They work together. Think of an organization’s _______ plan as its global view of the world and its

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