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Translate the following text from Russian into English.

В любом сообществе именно некоммерческие организации относятся к числу самых яростных защитников культурного разнообразия. Они работают в области культуры, образования, религии и активно участвуют в общественной жизни. Этот сектор является основной сферой занятости для выпускников факультетов PR, так как все общественные организации остро нуждаются в специалистах такого профиля.

К некоммерческому сектору относится множество организаций: больницы, школы, учреждения социального обеспечения, религиозные и культурные организации и т.д. Их задачи отличаются от тех, которые ставит перед собой коммерческий сектор. Им нужно привлечь на свою сторону общественность и получить поддержку своих целей и программ с помощью активного и открытого общения. Однако, в отличие от корпораций, некоммерческим организациям требуется ещё и широкое участие добровольцев в их деятельности.

Америка - это нация людей, принадлежащих к той или иной общественной группе. Поэтому рост числа некоммерческих организаций в стране просто неизбежен. Однако, чем больше таких организаций создаётся, тем труднее становится собрать средства для каждой из них. Большинство некоммерческих организаций финансируется как из правительственных, так и из частных источников.

Расцвет фондового рынка поощряет состоятельных людей к финансовому участию в благотворительности. Тем не менее задачи PR-профессионалов в некоммерческих организациях не ограничиваются написанием речей, работой со средствами массовой информации, взаимодействием с сотрудниками компаний и консультированием администрации. Одна из их важнейших целей - это содействие сбору средств на нужды организации.

(Фрейзер П. Сайтэл. Современные паблик рилейшнз. - М.: Консалтинговая группа «ИмиджКонтакт» : ИНФРА-М, 2002. - С. 480-481)

7. Problem Solving

The Vision Council of America is a trade group representing the optical industry. Its three core membership groups are ophthalmologists, opticians, and optometrists.

The group decides to launch a consumer education program after research reveals a reluctance to take children for eye exams because parents rely on free in-school screenings. Additional research shows that 80 percent of learning before the age of 12 is accomplished through vision, yet traditional in-school vision screenings miss between 70 and 80 percent of children’s vision problems.

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Your public relations firm is retained to conduct a national consumer education program emphasizing the importance of annual eye exams for children. What would you suggest? Program elements that you should consider include key publics, message themes, time of year, strategies, and types of communication tools.

(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 341)

17.Урок 17 (Unit 17) Entertainment and Travel

1.Starting up

Select a movie star from the list below and try to identify what may have contributed to their box office appeal. Consider the kind of image and appeal produced by a combination of personal characteristics, on-screen appearances and general publicity.

Sean Connery

Barbra Streisand

Al Pacino

Cameron Diaz

John Travolta

Nicole Kidman

Johnny Depp

Jennifer Aniston

2. Listening

Listening 17.1.


Publicity is typically generated from an organization's public relations department and its goal is to gain media coverage. Examples of news-worthy events that may receive media coverage, or publicity, include ground-breaking ceremonies, press conferences, organized protests, or ceremonial appointments. Successful publicity occurs when an organization has a carefully designed publicity plan, which includes crisis control methods, and when events have real news value. Media gatekeepers (producers, editors, and reporters) favor publicity events that provide opportunities for photos, video or sound recordings, and effectively communicate the source's intended message.

A publicist is a person whose job is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, or for a work such as a book or film. Publicists usually work at large companies handling multiple clients.

(“Publicity.” “Publicist.” Business Encyclopedia. 15 Oct. 2007. <http://www.answers.com/topic/publicity?cat=biz-fin>)

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Listen to the interview with Professor Bowles, a professor of PR, about the psychological explanations of the public's interest in celebrities. Answer the following question:

Professor Bowles mentions two psychological explanations of why celebrities are so popular. What are they?

Now listen again and complete the extracts from the interview.

1.Before television __________________________, the publicity departments of the motion picture studios __________________ their male and female stars as glamorous figures who lived in a special world of privilege and wealth.

2.Publicists __________________ the performances of certain players, and television game

announcers often ______________ the stars' roles out of proportion to their achievements.

3._________________, the client's cooperation is vital in promotional work, so a good

___________________ should explain this background and should tell the client why certain actions are planned.

Listening 17.2.

Listen to another interview with Professor Bowles, where he talks about the responsibilities that a PR practitioner carries when handling publicity for an individual. Say whether the statement is true or false:

1.If a celebrity or politician makes a statement that is met with public disapproval, good strategy is to say he or she was misquoted.

2.In case of rumors or a scandal the celebrity should make a brief and honest public statement and then it’s best to stay out of the public eye for some time.

3.After personal misconduct by a client, a practitioner has an obligation to lie if necessary in order to protect the person’s reputation and celebrity status.

4.Calling a news conference is always the best way to repair the damage done to the client’s public image.

Listen again and complete the extract of the interview.

A publicist should a) _______________________, but it is also important to protect the client from bad b) ____________________. When the client appears in a bad light because of misbehavior or an irresponsible c) _____________________, the PR practitioner must try to minimize the harm done to the client's public image. Here the objective is d)


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