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Раздел 5 Третье занятие


Suppose you want to write a letter to your daughter. After your letter is composed on your computer, you must specify an E-mail ad­dress that identifies your daughter. Once you send this electronic let­ter, it travels from your computer, often through a device called a mo­dem, which connects your computer to the Internet via the telephone network. Off it goes, bound for various computers that act like local and national postal routing facilities. They have enough information to get the letter to a destination computer where your daughter can retrieve it.

Unlike the regular mail, E-mail often reaches its destination, even on other continents, in minutes or less unless some part of the network is heavily congested or temporarily out of order. The speed of E-mail and the ease with which it can be sent even to multiple recipients all over the world make it a popular form of communication.


Основной текст: New Developments in Electronic Memories.

Грамматические явления: Инверсия.

Лексические явления'. Контекстуальное значение слов turn, chal­


Первое занятие

Работа в аудитории

  1. Проверьте, знаете ли вы следующие слова.

Слова, имеющие одинаковый корень с русскими словами

memory п medium п similar а permanent а combine v

exploitation п specific а primary а opposite а fabricate v

predominant a unlimited a operation n series n lithography n

integration n term n hierarchy n extremely adv technology n

Слова исходного уровня и из предшествующих разделов

store v tool п perform v rate п

many times

intermediate a in terms of sequentially adv breakthrough n

consider v accessible a reliability n circuit n

layer n refer v recall v extend v

capacity n retrieval n maintain v layering n

Раздел 6. Первое занятие


  1. Учитесь переводить.

  1. Переведите следующие речевые отрезки, в которых содержатся инвертиро­ванные конструкции следующих типов:


  1. Nor is the phenomenon new...

  2. Nor is the phenomenon known ...

  3. Nor was the phenomenon seen ...

  4. Nor does the computer perform ...

  5. Nor has the computer performed ...

  6. Nor can the computer perform ...


  1. Not until the program is prepared, is the computer ready to oper­ate ...

  2. Not until the program is prepared, does the computer operate ...

  3. Not until the program is prepared, can the computer operate ...

  4. Not until the program was prepared, did the computer operate ...


  1. Not only does the operation depend on the program but...

  2. Not only is the operation changeable but...

  3. Not only can the operation change but...

  4. Not only has the operation been used but...

  5. Not only is it necessary to change the operation but...


  1. Neither do we say that...

3. Neithermust wesay that ...

  • Neither may we say that... 4. Neither have we said that...

    1. Переведите следующие речевые отрезки, содержащие инвертированные кон­струкции. Обратите внимание на то, что причастие I и II, стоящие в начале предложения, могут вызвать грамматическое явление инверсии. При перево­де причастия являются второй частью сказуемого.


    1. Revolving around the nucleus are electrons.

    2. Surrounding the chromosphere is a thin, hot atmosphere — the corona.

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