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Раздел 1 Первое занятие


  1. The profound long-term impact of electronics on the design of cars we drive is not easy to fully comprehend, g. A 16-chip package fabricated by Du Pont has sputtered metal sig­nal layers separated by open-on-polymide.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения.

  1. Microelectronics faces many problems.

  2. Mark the temperature increase.

  3. The lense focuses the beam on a small spot on the object.

  4. The paper presents interesting problems.


  1. Переведите устно с листа первую часть текста (1). Работа выполняется под руководством преподавателя.

  2. Перевод второй части текста (II) выполняется письменно как домашнее за­дание.

3. Ознакомьтесь с терминами первой части основного текста:

electronic technology — технология электронных приборов solid-state components — твердотель­ные компоненты, полупроводни­ковые компоненты capacitor — конденсатор overall reliability — надежность систе­мы

^tegrated circuit — интегральная схема s°bstrate — подложка charge carrier — носитель заряда ^etal-oxide semiconductor — полупро- Водник МОП структуры eW-effect transistor — транзистор с Полевым эффектом

кристалл; интегральная схема Sfittll-scale integrated circuit (SSI) — Интегральная схема с малой степе- НьК> интеграции

medium-scale integrated circuit (MSI) —

интегральная схема со средней сте­пенью интеграции, ИС large-scale integrated circuit (LSI) — интегральная схема с большой сте­пенью интеграции, большая инте­гральная схема, БИС very-large-scale integrated circuit (VLSI) — интегральная схема со сверх­большой степенью интеграции, сверхбольшая интегральная схема, СБИС

circuit pattern — рисунок схемы, схе­ма

operand — операнд

wafer-scale — размер подложки, пла­стинки


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущ

Electronics and Microelectronics

  1. The intensive effort1 of electronics to increase the reliability and performance3 of its products while reducing their size and cost ha$ led to the results that hardly anyone would have dared (зд. осмелил. ся) to predict4.

The evolution of electronic technology is sometimes called a rev. olution. True, there has been a real revolution: a quantitative5 change in technology has given rise to qualitative change in human capabilj. ties6. There appeared smaller and smaller electronic components per­forming increasingly complex electronic functions at ever higher spee^

It all began with the development of the transistor.

Prior to7 the invention of the transistor in 1947, its function in an electronic circuit could be performed only by a vacuum tube.

The first transistors had no striking advantage in size over the small est tubes and they were more costly. The one great advantage the tran sistor had over the best vacuum tubes was exceedingly8 low power con­sumption. Besides they promised greater reliability and longer life However, it took years to demonstrate other transistor advantages.

With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out9 inside solid10 bodies. The goal11 of creating electronic cu cuits with entirely solid-state components had finally been realized1 .

However, early transistors were actually enormous on the scale1 at which electronic events14 take place. They could respond15 at a rate of a few million times a second; this was fast enough to serve in radio and hearing-aid (слуховой аппарат) circuits but far below17 the speed needed for high-speed computers or for microwave communication systems. Besides, the early transistors were slow.

The effort was to reduce the size of transistors so that they could operate at higher speeds. That gave rise to the whole technology d microelectronics.

A microelectronic technology has shrunk18 transistors and othef circuit elements to dimensions19 almost invisible to unaided eye невооруженный глаз).

The point20 of this extraordinary miniaturization is not so mucf1 to make circuits small perse {лат. сами по себе) as to make circuit capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high spee#

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