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Раздел 4. Первое занятие


  1. Учитесь кратко излагать текст.

    1. Кратко изложите на английском языке содержанке первой част основного текста (I) с помощью предикативных групп, например:

... comes from a Latin word

... digest and analyze masses of measurements

... record and process files ...

... monitor and control manufacturing processes


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее


Работа в аудитории

  1. Проверьте домашнее задание.

  1. Проверьте письменный перевод второй части основного текста (II).

  2. Проверьте выборочно упражнения.

  3. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова (выборочно).

  4. Проверьте устное изложение первой части основного текста (I).

  1. Учитесь переводить.

Текст 4.1 В

Переведите текст устно (с листа) без словаря. Значение выделенных слов вы смо жете понять из контекста.

Вариант 1

The Heart of the Computer

The processor is the brains of the computer, the location of those fantastically small circuits. Think of it as an overworked adding ma chine that also can make simple logic decisions.

It can decide that two numbers are equal or not equal, that a cer­tain condition does or does not exist in the circuitry. It can decide that things are true or false based on rules the programmer supplies to make that decision. This, combined with the ability to add and subtract at lightning-fast speeds and store the results of these processes, allows the programmer to give step-by-step instructions to be carried out on command.

Вариант 2

Old and New Concepts

Although the idea of an automatic computing engine occurred first to Charles Babbage in 1832, it was more than a century later, in 1945

Раздел 4 Второе rm

Г 7

that John von Neumann set out the principles that were to fix the pat­tern of computer design for the next twenty years. Most of today’s com­puters follow the von Neumann model, and probably many of tomor­row’s will do so also. In particular, they have a rather rigidly organized store, holding both instructions and data; and, although some overlap of operations occurs, in general they tiptoe through their programs in mini­steps. There can be no doubt that computers of this kind are powerful, versatile tools; but it would be surprising indeed if one type of machine were to prove equally suitable for all types of problems; and it may be that some problems of practical interest to us are too difficult, or too expensive, to solve on von Neumann machines.

Текст 4.2 В

Переведите текст письменно со словарем. Время перевода — 20 минут. Проверьте перевод в аудитории.

Personal Computer

The first personal computer (PC) was put on the market in 1975.

Today the personal computer can serve as a work station for the individual. Moreover, just as it has become financially feasible to provide a computer for the individual worker, so also technical developments have made the interface between man and machine increasingly “friendly”, so that a wide array of computer functions are now accessible to people with no technical background.

A personal computer is a small computer based on a micropro­cessor; it is a microcomputer. Not all microcomputers, however, are personal computers. A microcomputer can be dedicated to a single task such as controlling a machine tool or metering the injection of fuel into an automobile engine; it can be a word processor, a video game or a “pocket computer” that is not quite a computer. A person- al computer is something different: a stand-alone computer that puts a wide array of capabilities at the disposal of an individual.

The first generation of true personal computers, which came °n the market between 1977 and 1981, had eight-bit microproces- s°r chips available, and soon they were included in complete com­puter systems. As for clock frequency, the trend has been from one

12 Бух


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будуще

megahertz (one million cycles per second) a few years ago to 10 megahertz or more today.

  1. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Текст 4.3 В

Прочитайте текст. Выявите основную информацию каждого абзаца. Запишите дан­ную информацию на русском языке. Проверьте правильность понимания текста. Составьте краткий реферат на английском языке, пользуясь материалом текста.

Computer Trends

The earliest computers were developed during the Second World War for specific defense applications — some of the first computers were used to calculate artillery firing coordinates — these systems did not become commercially marketable for a number of reasons: they were special-purpose, designed for military applications; they were extremely large, occuping huge warehouses; they consumed enor­mous amounts of electricity, generated immense amounts of heat, required tons of chilled air, and broke down every few hours.

The first commercial systems were installed in the 1950s and ran such “business” applications as accounting, billing, payroll, and inventory control. This was a logical first step in the application of computers to solve business-related problems.

These early computer system processed data in batches, that is, they executed one program at a time and handled transactions (say, an accounting entry, such as payment of a bill) one at a time from a predefined sequence of transactions. They required consid­erable amounts of manual intervention and the applications they performed were limited in scope.

The computers of the 1950s also tended to be physically large, internally slow, and somewhat unreliable in terms of system avaib ability. They used vacuum tubes which limited their price-perfor- mance ratio and, thus, both the numbers and kinds of applications that were run on them.

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