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Раздел 5. Первое занятие


  1. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

  1. Запишите перевод данных речевых отрезков:

(1-10): instruction sets; to require new integrated circuits; to boost the performance of processor; a shrinking size; to interrupt the movement; rather slow (11-20): a dense chip; random access memory; more sophisticated microprocessor began to emerge; to obtain a better view; pe­ripheral interface circuits; an upsurge of work in this field; logic density of SMOS is inferior to л-type MOS (21—30): new breakthrough in molecular electronics; the rest of the amount; to eliminate resistors; beyond the limits (31—40): to simulate a neural network; to execute instruction streams;

to deliver the results; to acquire sophisticated capabilities; to store information temporarily (41-50): to shorten the scan time; to include appropriate instructions; the incorporation of trouble shooting; aids, memory location, to meet an obstacle, to manipulate the data, to affect the result (51—54): adequate applications, the new system is a worthly chal­lenge, the inversion of energy, to pervade the products of cybernetics

  1. Найдите в первой части основного текста английские эквиваленты следую­щих речевых отрезков, запишите их:

  1. потребовались совершенно новые интегральные схемы

  2. суперкомпьютеры должны работать как несколько человек: все вычисления производятся одновременно

  3. в настоящее время компьютеры должны выполнять несколь­ко функций одновременно

  4. изменилась архитектура микропроцессора

  1. Учитесь говорить.

  1. Подготовьте 5—10 вопросов по содержанию первой части основного текста (I). Запишите их.

  1. Подготовьте сообщение (на английском языке) по одной из следующих тем:

  2. Hardware and software. 2. The heart of the computer.


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее


Работа в аудитории

  1. Проверьте домашнее задание.

  1. Проверьте упражнения (выборочно).

  2. Проверьте, как вы запомнили слова.

  3. Проверьте письменный перевод второй части основного текста.

  4. Задайте подготовленные вопросы.

  5. Изложите в течение двух минут предложенную вам тему.

  1. Учитесь переводить.

Текст 5.1 В

Переведите текст письменно без словаря. Значение выделенных слов вы сможе­те понять из контекста. Время перевода — 15 минут. Перевод проверяется в ауди­тории.

How Microprocessors Work

Today’s microprocessors are the brains of your personal com­puter. Here, on this tiny silicon chip are millions of switches and path­ways that help your computer make important decisions and perform helpful tasks. You might find a processor in many everyday items like your telephone or car. To help you understand how the microproces sor does its job, you will go step by step through a simple task on the chip. For the purpose of this demonstration, you will add two num

Раздел 5 Второе занятие


bers together. You will complete this task in four easy steps and you may review each step as many times as you want. Remember, each part of the processor has a special task.

Текст 5.2 В

Переведите текст устно с листа. Работа выполняется под руководством препода­вателя.

Some Definitions They Use

Now let us give specific definitions.

Data is the raw material to be processed by a computer. Such material can be letters, numbers, or facts — such as grades in a class, baseball batting averages, or light and dark areas in a photograph. Processed data becomes information — data that is organized, mean­ingful, and useful.

To be processed by the computer, raw data must be organized into characters, fields, records, files, and data bases.

A character is a set of symbols, a letter, number, or special char­acter (such as $, ?, or *). One or more characters comprise a field. Each character is represented by a unique code.

A field contains an item of data. A subdivision of a record con­taining a unit of information.

A record is a unit of data representing a particular transaction or a basic element of a file consisting, in turn, of a number of inter­related data elements.

A file is a collection of related records. The relationship be­tween records on a file may be that of common parties, format or data source.

A data base is a collection of interrelated data stored together with minimum redundancy. Specific data items can be retrieved for various applications.

Whenever a change is to be made to stored data, a record is generated containing the new data. The record is called a transac­tion.


Микроэлектроника настоящее и будущее

  1. Учитесь аннотировать и реферировать.

Текст 5.3 В

Прочитайте текст. Выявите основную информацию каждого абзаца. Запишите информацию на русском языке (5—6 предложений). Проверьте правильность пони­мания текста.

Is There an End to the Computer Race?

Computers capable of performing billions of operations a second are required for nationwide management of the economy. It was demonstrat­ed by the prominent Soviet scientist, Academician Victor Glushkov.

Together with his teacher, Academician Sergei Lebedev, and other scientists, he suggested ways to achieve such computer speeds. Nature also suggested what path to follow — the scientists succeeded “only” in understanding it. At a congress in Stockholm in 1974 they shared their ideas with colleagues from other countries. Since then the work on su­percomputers has gained pace in all laboratories and design offices.

They are different from ordinary computers primarily, as special­ists put it, in architecture. The ordinary computer does the computa­tions sequentially — operation by operation, while the supercomputer operates like brain: all the computations proceed concurrently. A ma­jor problem, roughly speaking, is split up into minor ones, and indi­vidual parts of the computer, the processors, do the computations si­multaneously. During the activities (if required) and at the end of them the computation results are “drained”. This can be roughly compared with a tank from which water previously flowed out by one pipe and then from a multitude of pipes — so the tank empties out much faster.

Qualitatively, new integrated circuits were required to develop such a computer. They are now the basic component of the Soviet Elbrus super­computers. It is a whole family of superhigh-capacity machines comput­ing at a speed up to 125 million operations a second. The computation speed is even ten times as fast with a number of special operations.

In the next few years, the team is to complete the work on computers with a capacity of above one billion operations a second. It will take a few more years to produce computers with a speed of over 10 billion opera­

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