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Відкрийте програмне вікно текстового процесора Word і виконайте такі завдання:

  1. Надрукуйте фрагмент тексту, поданий нижче.

  2. Оформіть його використовуючи графічні засоби MS Word (WordArt, малюнки, колонки, буквицю, написи).

  3. Вставте колонтитули. У верхній колонтитул вставити: дату, час, <№ сторінки>, а в нижній колонтитул – <ПІБ виконавця>, <№ групи>).

  4. Роздрукуйте створений текст. Звіт щодо виконаної практичної роботи №8 здайте викладачу.

A FEW years ago, a mysterious billboard appeared on the highway Into the US’s Silicon Valley. The only thing on the billboard was the text: «{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com.» Anyone smart enough to work this number out unlocked the address of a website. There they found another mathematical riddle. Calculate-this, and they were allowed to submit their CV to local company Google.

Not everyone Is expected to answer such mind-bending questions to win a job, but you will undoubtedly be bowled a few googlies at some point during an application. Usually these questions come when you’re sat

opposite an employer In a job interview, and your chances of a job can live or die in those 30 minutes. So here are the best ways to answer some common tricky Interview questions (and how not to).

Tell me about yourself

Wrong answer: «Hi, I like to breed pigeons.» This should be a. straightforward ice-breaker, but it’s simple to misinterpret. The employer wants to hear how you’re suitable for the job, not an exhaustive account of your hobbles. «It’s easy to fall Into the trap of tilting the agenda away from the interviewer and towards yourself,» says Chris Vaughan, a consultant at Newcastle-based Nigel

right Recruitment «Introduce yourself, relate your experiences to the role and keep your answer down to 2 to 3 minutes.’»

You don’t have to be completely impersonal throughout the interview, says Kris Richards, a recruitment consultant at On Assignment Lab Support. «Mentioning one key event outside of work that you may have in common with the interviewer may help build rapport, for example, if you have just bought a house, or got married.»

Література для самонавчання

  1. Балдин К.В., В.Б.Уткин. Информатика: Учебник для студ. вузов. — М.:ПРОЕКТ, 2003. – 143 с.

  2. Безручко В.Т. Практикум по курсу «Информатика». Работа в Windows, Word, Excel: Учеб. пособие для вузов, обуч. по всем направлениям подгот. бакалавров и магистров и всем спец. подгот. дипломир. спец. – М. : Финансы и статистика, 2004. – 302 с.

  3. Волков В.В. „Microsoft Word. Текстовый процессор для работы с документами”, Питер, 2002. – 272 с.

  4. Дибкова Л.М. Інформатика та комп’ютерна техніка. – К.: „Академвидав”, 2003. – 320 с.

  5. Иванова Е.Н. Microsoft Office Word 2003. Просто как дважды два: Монография. – М.: Эксмо, 2005. – 254 с.

  6. Інформатика. Комп’ютерна техніка. Комп’ютерні технології: Підручник. 2-ге вид. – К.: Каравела, 2007. – 640 с.