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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Seal of the Heretic

Invoker Attack 13

You mark your foes with a divine brand, bringing the wrathful

eyes of the gods upon them.

Encounter Divine, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10

Target: One, two, or three creatures Attack: Wisdom vs. Will

Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, or 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage if you target only one creature. The

target takes a –5 penalty to a saving throw of your choice before the end of your next turn.

Covenant of Wrath: The target takes the –5 penalty to all saving throws before the end of your next turn.

Winds of Celestia

Invoker Attack 13

You call the winds that buffet the upper reaches of Celestia to

scatter your foes.

Encounter Divine, Implement

Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude

Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you either slide

the target 2 squares or knock it prone.

Covenant of Preservation: Either the number of squares you slide the target equals 1 + your Intelligence modifier, or you slide the target 1 square before knocking it prone.

Level 15 Daily Prayers

God Hammer

Invoker Attack 15

A gleaming, spectral warhammer appears above your foes and slams down in their midst, creating a crash of thunder. The

hammer is an image of Guldarak, which the gods shaped out of pure thunder to drive primordials out of the earth’s depths.

Daily Divine, Implement, Thunder, Zone

Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in burst

Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex

Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage. Miss: Half damage.

Effect: Each target drops prone. In addition, the burst creates a zone of resounding thunder that lasts until the

end of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, any creature within the zone drops prone.

Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

Mark of Anathema

Invoker Attack 15

You place a mark of anathema on your foe, a shining brand

that sears the flesh and harms those who ally with your enemy.

Daily Divine, Implement, Radiant

Standard Action Ranged 10

Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude

Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and

ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends).

First Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 15 radiant damage (save ends).

Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 radiant damage (save


Effect: Whenever the target fails a saving throw against the ongoing damage, each enemy within 5 squares of the target takes 5 radiant damage.

Three Beacons of Twilight

Invoker Attack 15


In the darkest days of the war against the primordials, the gods



used three gleaming beacons to guide them across the Astral


Sea. Today, those lights still burn, misleading your enemies


while guiding your allies to safety.




Daily Divine, Implement, Radiant, Zone

Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Wisdom vs. Will

Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Miss: Half damage.

Effect: The burst creates a zone of glimmering light that lasts until the end of the encounter. As a minor action, you can teleport a creature within the zone 5 squares.

Wall of Blades

Invoker Attack 15

You draw shards of astral steel into the world and arrange them into a deadly wall of spinning blades. You then command parts of the wall to fly at your enemies.

Daily Conjuration, Divine, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Area wall 8 within 20 squares Effect: You conjure a wall in unoccupied squares that con-

sists of radiant blades. The wall can be up to 4 squares high, and it lasts until the end of your next turn. The wall provides cover to you and your allies. Any creature that

enters the wall or starts its turn there takes 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier radiant damage.

While you are within 5 squares of the wall, you can make the following attack.

Standard Action Ranged 10

Effect: Before the attack, remove a square of the wall. Target: One creature

Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex

Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Sustain Minor: The wall persists.

Level 16 Utility Prayers

Covenant of Life Invoker Utility 16

You create a divine pact with one of your allies, offering your

strength, and the strength of your friends, if your ally needs it.

Daily Divine

Minor Action Close burst 10

Target: You or one ally in burst

Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and your allies can use second wind either to gain the normal benefits or to grant the benefits to the target. A donor character uses his or her second wind but neither regains hit points

nor gains a bonus to all defenses, and the target regains hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge and gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of the donor’s next turn.

C H A P T E R 2 | C h a r a c t e r C l a s s e s


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