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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Sky Hunter

“The eagle is the perfect predator. Not bound to earth, it hunts like a primal spirit in the world.”

Prerequisite: Druid, wild shape power

Although the Primal Beast usually appears as a mammalian predator, some aspects of the Primal Beast soar through the sky on feathered wings, hunting prey from the air. Eagles, hawks, and falcons are no less fierce predators than panthers and wolves, and some druids assume their forms to fly after their own prey.

You are such a druid, a sky hunter who emulates birds of prey in your beast form. Your beast form can’t always fly, but it can take to the air from time to time. Some sky hunters assume a beast form a little like a cockatrice—a stalking predator with primitive wings that allow it to fly in short bursts. Others retain their normal beast form but change momentarily into a bird form when they use their sky hunter powers.

Sky Hunter Path Features

Sky Hunter’s Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can fly your speed before taking that action.

Master of Wings (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls against flying creatures.

Beast Senses (16th level): Whenever you use a beast form daily power, you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks until the end of the encounter.

Sky Hunter Evocations

Blinding Talons

Sky Hunter Attack 11

Changing into a flying raptor’s form, you swoop at your

enemy’s eyes.

Encounter Beast Form, Implement, Primal

Standard Action Personal

Effect: You assume the form of an eagle that is your size, fly twice your speed, and make the following melee touch attack at any point during the movement. You

don’t provoke an opportunity attack for moving away from the attack’s target. After the attack, you return to your normal beast form.

Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex

Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.



Soaring Falcon

Sky Hunter Utility 12

You can take the form of a swift bird of prey to soar above

your foes.

Daily Primal

Free Action Personal

Prerequisite: You must have the wild shape power. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can use wild

shape to assume the form of a Tiny falcon. In this form, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed. You also gain a +5 bonus to Perception checks and a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. You can’t attack, pick up anything, or manipulate objects.

Until this power ends, you can use wild shape to change among this form, another beast form, and your humanoid form.

Primal Eagle

Sky Hunter Attack 20

You transform into a dire eagle, swooping from the air to batter

your foes with the thunder of your wings.

Daily Beast Form, Implement, Primal, Thunder

Standard Action Personal

Effect: You assume the form of an eagle that is your size, fly your speed, and then make the following attack, which is a close burst 5. You then return to your normal beast form. Until the end of the encounter, while you are in beast form you can assume this eagle form and fly your speed as a move action. At the end of that action, you must land, and you return to your normal beast form. Target: Each enemy in burst

Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude

Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

C H A P T E R 2 | C h a r a c t e r C l a s s e s


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