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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Horn of Baldagyr

Level 22

This horn is crafted from the scales of Baldagyr, an astral dragon sworn to watch over the resting place of a mighty primordial until the end of time.

Wondrous Item

325,000 gp


Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger: You roll initiative at

the beginning of an encounter. Effect: You and each ally

within 10 squares of you gain a +5 item bonus to initia-

tive checks and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls on his

or her first turn during the encounter.




Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern

Level 5

The music of this magic lute lingers in the mind, providing vigor

long after its tones have ceased.

Wondrous Item

1,000 gp

Property: Bards can use this item as an implement for bard powers and bard paragon path powers. As an implement, it grants a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, and it deals 1d6 extra damage on a critical hit.

Power (Daily Healing): Standard Action. Use this power during a short rest. At the end of the short rest, choose yourself or an ally who remained within 20 squares of you during the rest. Until the end of that character’s next short rest or extended rest, he or she regains an additional 2 hit points when spending a healing surge.

Song of Rest: The additional hit points equal 4.

Ollamh Harp Level 29

This harp calls down the fury of the storm and grants it to all


Wondrous Item

2,625,000 gp

Property: Bards can use this item as an implement for bard powers and bard paragon path powers. As an implement, it grants a +6 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, and it deals 6d6 extra damage on a critical hit.

Power (Daily): Standard Action. Use this power during a short rest. At the end of the short rest, you and each ally who remained within 20 squares of you during the rest

are affected by this power. Until the end of each affected character’s next short rest or extended rest, his or her attacks deal 5 extra lightning damage.

Watcher’s Horn Level 9

This small black horn produces no noise when sounded, but it awakens your slumbering friends and makes them ready to fight.

Wondrous Item

4,200 gp

Power (Daily): Minor Action. The horn silently awakens each sleeping ally within 10 squares of you. Each ally is not surprised when he or she wakes up.




From ancient rites and ceremonies to arcane forces

bound to music, rituals have many forms and func-


tions in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. Rituals


create magical effects through the recitation and


performance of magical formulas drawn from ritual


scrolls and books. This section provides a variety of


rituals, many of which are tailored for the new classes


in this book. Although these rituals evoke arcane,


divine, and primal themes, any adventurer who has


the Ritual Caster feat can master and perform most


of them.



Some rituals in this chapter include a “Prerequisite” entry. You must meet a ritual’s prerequisite to master or perform the ritual, although you can assist another character in performing a ritual even if you don’t meet the prerequisite.


Each ritual category in the Player’s Handbook is associated with one or more key skills. Some of the rituals in this book have key skills other than the ones normally associated with some ritual categories.

Variant Ritual Books

Although the ritual books described in the Player’s Handbook contain all the instructions necessary to master and perform a ritual, their form may be

unappealing to characters who have forsaken the traditional trappings of civilization. Variant ritual book options can reconcile a character’s background with his or her desire to use ritual magic.

Some ritual casters record their rituals in an unorthodox manner. They inscribe rituals on cured hides, etch them into stone tablets, or paint them onto armor or weapons. Remote cultures and isolated ritual casters have even more esoteric methods of storing and encoding their rituals, from patterns of knots tied in rope to tiny statuettes displaying the required body motions, or even tubes of glass that convey the ritual through shape and color. No matter what form it takes, a variant ritual book still requires a 50 gp investment. In addition, a ritual caster must spend the same amount of time to create it and to master the rituals within it as described in “Creating a Ritual Book” on page 298 of the Player’s Handbook. Each of these unusual methods of storing rituals contains the same amount of space for recording rituals as a traditional ritual book.

C H A P T E R 3 | C h a r a c t e r O p t i o n s


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