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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Form of the Rowan Sentinel Warden Attack 15

Your skin becomes smooth bark that crackles with lightning. Your arms lengthen to complete your transformation. At the

moment you choose, your attack delivers a barrage of lightning that staggers your foe.

Daily Lightning, Polymorph, Primal

Minor Action Personal

Effect: You assume the guardian form of the rowan sentinel until the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain resist 10 lightning, and your melee reach increases by 1. In addition, if any enemy starts its turn

within 3 squares of you and you are able to take actions, that enemy is marked until the end of your next turn.

Once during this encounter, you can make the following weapon attack while you are in this form.

Standard Action

Melee weapon

Target: One creature


Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier lightning damage, and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 5 lightning damage (save ends both).

Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Form of the Stonecrusher Warden Attack 15

Stony plating spreads to armor your body and root you to the ground. When the time is right, you can swing your weapon in a great burst and smash your foes to the ground.

Daily Polymorph, Primal

Minor Action Personal

Effect: You assume the guardian form of the stonecrusher until the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. If you are pulled, pushed, or slid, you can reduce the distance of the forced movement by 2 squares.

Once during this encounter, you can make the following weapon attack while you are in this form.

Standard Action

Close burst 1

Target: Each enemy in burst you can see

Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).

Miss: Half damage.

Effect: You knock the target prone.

Level 16 Utility Evocations

Cleansing Earth Warden Utility 16

Even as harm befalls you, you draw on the earth for the strength

to shrug it off.

Encounter Primal

Immediate Reaction Personal

Trigger: You are subjected to an effect that a save can end Effect: You make a saving throw against the triggering

effect, with a power bonus to the saving throw equal to your Strength modifier.

Monkey’s Grip

Warden Utility 16


Your grip is sure, allowing you to scramble up nearly any





At-Will Primal





Minor Action



Effect: Until the end of your turn, you gain a climb speed


equal to half your speed.





Primal Leap

Warden Utility 16


You spring into the air, making a prodigious leap over the heads

of your enemies.

Encounter Primal

Move Action Personal

Effect: You jump a number of squares equal to your speed

+ your Strength modifier.

Verdant Life

Warden Utility 16

You tap into the essence of primal power, causing even your

most horrid wounds to mend in an instant.

Daily Healing, Primal

Minor Action Personal Effect: You can spend two healing surges.

Level 17 Encounter Evocations

Call Forth the Harvest

Warden Attack 17

A vicious swing causes the ground around you to erupt in

entangling growth, interfering with your enemies’ movement.

Encounter Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Primary Target: One creature

Primary Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Make a secondary

attack that is a close burst 2.

Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst

Secondary Attack: Strength vs. Reflex

Hit: The secondary target is marked and slowed until the end of your next turn.

Eager Vine Strike

Warden Attack 17

Bright green tendrils wrap around your foe and hold it fast.

Encounter Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon

Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is

immobilized until the end of your next turn. Earthstrength: Until the end of your next turn, the target also takes a penalty to AC and Reflex equal to your Constitution modifier.

Earth Hold’s Rebuke

Warden Attack 17

Emerald light swirls around you as primal spirits lend their

strength to your attack.

Encounter Healing, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon

Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can spend

a healing surge.

C H A P T E R 2 | C h a r a c t e r C l a s s e s


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