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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Slight, sly tricksters of the Feywild who excel at avoiding notice


Average Height: 4˝–3´

Average Weight: 50–75 lb.

Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma

Size: Small (see the sidebar)

Speed: 5 squares

Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, Elven

Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Stealth

Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Master Trickster: Once per encounter, you can use the wizard cantrip ghost sound (Player’s Handbook, page 158) as a minor action.

Reactive Stealth: If you have any cover or concealment when you make an initiative check, you can make a Stealth check.

Trickster’s Cunning: You have a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against illusions.

Fade Away: You have the fade away power.

Fade Away

Gnome Racial Power

You turn invisible in response to harm.

Encounter Illusion

Immediate Reaction Personal

Trigger: You take damage

Effect: You are invisible until you attack or until the end of

your next turn.

In the Feywild, the best way for a small creature to survive is to be overlooked. While suffering in servitude to the fomorian tyrants of the Feydark, gnomes learned to hide, to mislead, and to deflect—and by these means, to survive. The same talents sustain them still, allowing them to prosper in a world filled with creatures much larger and far more dangerous than they are.

Play a gnome if you want . . .

to be curious, funny, and tricky.

to rely more on stealth and deception than on brute strength and intimidation.

to be a member of a race that favors the bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard classes.


C H A P T E R 1 | C h a r a c t e r R a c e s


Physical Qualities

Gnomes are smaller even than halflings, rarely exceeding 4 feet in height. Apart from their size, they resemble elves or eladrin, with pointed ears and chiseled facial features such as high cheekbones and sharp jaws. They have a more wild look than eladrin do, though, particularly in the hair that sprouts from their heads in random directions. Some male gnomes sprout tufts of hair from their chins, but they otherwise lack body hair.

Gnome skin tone ranges from a ruddy tan through woody brown to rocky gray. Their hair can be virtually any color, from stark white to blond and various shades of brown to autumnal orange or green. Their eyes are glittering black orbs.

Gnomes are as long-lived as eladrin, living over 300 years, but they show more of the effects of age. A gnome over the age of 100 has gray or white hair and skin that shows the wrinkled and weathered lines

of a century of laughter, but even the oldest gnome retains the strength and agility of youth.

Playing a Gnome

In quiet forests of the Feywild and remote woodlands in the world, gnomes live out of sight and mostly beneath the notice of larger races. Gnomes dwell in homes dug among the roots of trees, easily overlooked and cleverly concealed by camouflage and illusion. They are fond of the burrowing mammals that share their habitat, such as badgers, foxes, and rabbits, and have a sense of kinship with these small animals that share their forests.

Unobtrusiveness is a virtue among gnomes. They grow up on games of stealth and silence, in which the winner is the last to be discovered. An adult gnome who draws attention in a crowd is considered dangerously rude. Gnome folk heroes are not mighty warriors, but tricksters who slip out of captivity, play great pranks without being detected, or sneak past magical guardians. They deflect both aggression and attention with humor, and they guard their thoughts with friendly laughter.

Gnomes also value a quick mind and the ability to come up with a clever solution to any problem.


Small characters follow most of the same rules as Medium ones, with the following exceptions.

You can’t use two-handed weapons, such as greatswords and halberds.

When you use a versatile weapon, such as a longsword, you must use it two-handed, but you don’t deal additional damage for doing so.

They appreciate witty conversation, especially rapid-


fire repartee. They are inventive and resourceful,



although they have little interest in or aptitude for


the kind of technology found in human cities. They


have an innate talent for magic and a love of illusion,


music, poetry, and story.


Eager to see what the world has to offer and will-


ing to be awed by its wonders, gnomes greet the


world with open curiosity. Gnomes who are drawn


to adventure are most often driven by curiosity and


wanderlust above any desire for wealth or glory.


Gnomes were once enslaved by the fomorian


rulers of the Feydark, the subterranean caverns of


the Feywild. They regard their former masters with


more fear than hatred, and they feel some degree of


sympathy for the fey that still toil under fomorian


lashes—particularly the spriggans, which some say


are corrupted gnomes. Gnomes are not fond of gob-


lins or kobolds, but in typical gnome fashion, they


avoid creatures they dislike rather than crusading


against them. They are fond of eladrin and other


friendly fey, and gnomes who travel the world have


good relations with elves and halflings.


Gnome Characteristics: Affable, clever, crafty,


curious, funny, guarded, inconspicuous, inventive,


secretive, sly, tricky


Male Names: Alston, Alvyn, Brocc, Eldon, Frug,


Kellen, Ku, Nim, Orryn, Pock, Sindri, Warryn,




Female Names: Breena, Carlin, Donella, Ella, Lilli,


Lorilla, Nissa, Nyx, Oda, Orla, Roswyn, Tana, Zanna


Gnome Adventurers

Two sample gnome adventurers are described below. Kellen is a gnome bard with a grim sense of humor

and a ready blade. He was thrust unwillingly into an adventuring career when cyclopses raided his village and took him captive. He labored as a slave to a fomorian king for a decade before finally making his escape and fleeing the Feywild entirely. Though

he longs to return one day to free the members of his family he was forced to leave behind, fear of what awaits him in the Feywild keeps him in the world.

Orla has lived in the world her entire life. She was born in a forest among elves, but an encounter in the forest one evening changed her life. She found herself face to face with a fey spirit of such power that she was unable to move or speak and could only acquiesce to its unspoken demands. Her life belongs to that spirit now, she knows. She wields its power as a fey pact warlock, but she feels its desires and pursues its goals without fully understanding where they might lead her.

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