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Players Handbook 2.pdf
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Most paragon paths are specific to particular classes. This section presents racial paragon paths, which are specific to races included in this book and in the Player’s Handbook. The only prerequisite for any of these paths is that you be a character of the appropriate race. Only a dwarf can be a firstborn of Moradin, for example, and you must be a half-orc

to take the bloodfury savage path. A racial paragon path is an exemplar of a race’s defining characteristics. A scion of Arkhosia is not just any dragonborn hero: He or she is one of the finest examples of certain qualities that set dragonborn apart from other races.

Exemplars of the half-elf race do not pursue a paragon path; instead, they take the Versatile Master feat in Chapter 3.

Choosing a Racial Paragon Path: When you reach 11th level, you can choose a racial paragon path instead of another paragon path (see Player’s Handbook, page 53). You gain the features and the powers of the path at the levels specified in the racial paragon path’s description.

Implements: If your racial paragon path includes powers that have the implement keyword, you can use your class’s implements, as well as implements you can use because of a feat, with those powers. When you wield a magic version of such an implement, you can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of your racial paragon path powers that have the implement keyword. Without an implement, you can still use these powers.

Adroit Explorer

“Turn back? Now? But we don’t know what’s on the next floor!”

Prerequisite: Human

The unknown has an inexplicable hold on you. Your greatest ambition is to discover, to unearth, to explore. You are the perfect expression of the human tendency to comb the world in search of knowledge and power, infused with an almost superhuman determination. This determination is central to your nature—a drive that propels you to work harder, fight longer, and strive for more

than you should be able to attain through your own merits. You are not satisfied until you have achieved complete victory in your endeavors, and you develop powers to help you achieve your goals. Your will only grows stronger when your back is against the wall, and you fight all the harder, making sure you win the day.

Whether you are motivated by a thirst for knowledge of the world’s most ancient civilizations, a hunger for long-lost secrets of arcane power, a drive to conquer and settle the world in the name of Erathis, or a lust for gold and glory, you’re willing to face great danger to achieve your goals. Thanks to your singleminded dedication, you usually manage to escape from danger in one piece, even if you survive only by the skin of your teeth.

Adroit Explorer Path Features

Ambitious Effort (11th level): Choose an encounter attack power of 7th level or lower from your class. You gain that power. If you choose an encounter attack power that you already know, you

now have two uses of that power per encounter. At 21st level, you can replace this power with an encounter attack power of 13th level or lower from your class.

Bloody Determination (11th level): The first time you are bloodied during an encounter, you gain a +5 power bonus to your next attack roll before

the end of your next turn against the enemy that bloodied you.

Heroic Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you also gain

resist 10 to all damage until the end of your next turn. The resistance increases to 20 at 21st level.

Champion of Humanity (16th level): After each extended rest, you have 2 action points instead of 1.

Adroit Explorer Powers

Destined for Greatness Adroit Explorer Utility 12

Despair is never an option.

Encounter Healing

No Action Personal

Trigger: You fail a saving throw and you are not dying Effect: You reroll the saving throw with a +4 power bonus.

In addition, you can spend a healing surge.

Bloodied Greatness

Adroit Explorer Attack 20

Your enemies’ attacks push you over a threshold, and you tap into a fresh reserve of strength. You unleash one of your mightiest attacks, fueled by your pain.


Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An enemy bloodies you

Effect: You use one of your encounter attack powers against the triggering enemy. That power can already

be expended, and if it is not, using it through this power doesn’t expend it.

C H A P T E R 1 | C h a r a c t e r R a c e s


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