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Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide

Variables for ams.env Files


Controls the netlisting of names that do not comply with AMS environment guidelines because they are not unique.


amsDirect.vlog allowNameCollisions cyclic "no" | "warn" | "yes




Netlisting halts immediately when the AMS netlister encounters


a non-unique name. This value corresponds to the No – Print


Errors value used in the graphical user interface (GUI).


Maps non-unique names to system-generated names that are


legal in the target language, and issues a warning. This is the


default. This value corresponds to the Yes – Print Warnings


value used in the GUI.


Maps non-unique names to system-generated names that are


legal in the target language. The AMS netlister does not issue a


warning.This value corresponds to the Yes – Silently value


used in the GUI.


To comply with AMS environment guidelines, each instance, cell, terminal, parameter, and net in your design must have a unique name. If the names of these components are not unique, the AMS netlister acts as shown in the table below

How Verilog-AMS Handles Non-Unique Identifiers

Objects sharing a name

AMS netlister action



module terminal, cell

No mapping occurs, and netlisting proceeds normally

parameter, module terminal

Netlisting fails

instance terminal, parameter

No mapping occurs, and a warning is issued.

of the same instance


parameter, cell

No mapping occurs, and netlisting proceeds normally

April 2004


Product Version 5.3

Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide

Variables for ams.env Files

How Verilog-AMS Handles Non-Unique Identifiers, continued

Objects sharing a name

AMS netlister action



net, parameter

Net identifier maps tonetName_netclash

net, module terminal

Net identifier maps tonetName_netclash. (However, no


mapping occurs when the net and module terminal are


connected to each other.)

net, cell

Net identifier maps tonetName_netclash

instance, net

Instance identifier maps toinstName_instclash

instance, parameter

Instance identifier maps toinstName_instclash

instance, module terminal

Instance identifier maps toinstName_instclash

instance, cell

Instance identifier maps toinstName_instclash



April 2004


Product Version 5.3

Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide

Variables for ams.env Files


Controls the netlisting of sparse buses.


amsDirect.vlog allowSparseBuses cyclic "no" | "warn" | "yes"




Netlisting halts immediately when the AMS netlister encounters


a sparse bus. This value corresponds to the No – Print Errors


value used in the graphical user interface (GUI).


Overdeclares any sparse buses and issues a warning. This is the


default. This value corresponds to the Yes – Print Warnings


value used in the GUI.


Overdeclares any sparse buses. The AMS netlister does not


issue a warning. This value corresponds to the Yes – Silently


value used in the GUI.


Sparse buses do not comply with AMS environment guidelines because you must declare buses as a contiguous vector of bits before they are used in Verilog-AMS. If you specify warn or yes, the AMS netlister overdeclares sparse buses so it can continue netlisting.


An example of a sparse bus in CDBA data is


which is the same as

b<5>, b<3>, b<1>

Using the variable

amsDirect.vlog allowSparseBuses cyclic "yes"

tells the AMS netlister to handle sparse buses whenever possible, without issuing a warning.

In this example, the AMS netlister overdeclares this bus in order to continue netlisting:

April 2004


Product Version 5.3

Virtuoso AMS Environment User Guide

Variables for ams.env Files

module XXX (.b({b[5],,b{3],,b[1]}), ...); input [5:1] b;


April 2004


Product Version 5.3

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