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I. Memorize the following words and phrases:


висловлений до кінця, точний, визначений


прихований, не висловлений прямо

capacity for smth

здібність до чого-небудь

to search for

шукати що-небудь



to lose one’s edge

втрачати точку опори

to be exposed to smnh

піддавати дії чого-небудь

to encode

кодувати, шифрувати

to power memory

забезпечувати пам'ять енергією


втрата пам’яті, амнезія

neurological disorders

неврологічні розлади

amnesic confabulatory syndrome

розмовний амнезійний синдром




відновлення в пам’яті


кінчик язика

II. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and phrases. Use them in sentences:

organic brain disease; temporary failure of word retrieval from memory; tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon; damage to the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain; aerobic exercises; to help memorize items;to keep the mind in good functionality; to keep physically active; to promote blood circulation to the brain; to socialize; to reduce stress; to keep sleep time regular; to avoid depression or emotional instability; to observe good nutrition; mental ability; to store, retain and recall information; to enhance memory; decade; cognitive neuroscience; interdisciplinary link; reasoning; short-term/ long-term memory; to recall events from the past; to describe verbally; capacity for learning skills; disappear; to recall the name of someone; moments of forgetfulness; to grow older; to be exposed to new information; to store information; congnitive abilities; impact on memory; autobiographical memories; emotional events; memory disorders; loss of memory; to observe; to affect memory; to improve memory; to increase the supply of oxygen to the brain; walking for three hours each week; to socialize.

III. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

покращити пам'ять; вправи з аеробіки; збільшити постачання кисню до мозку; просто запам’ятовувати інформацію, завдяки руху мязів; тримати в пам’яті; похилий вік; залишатися фізично активним; добре харчуватися; уникати дeпресій; втрата пам’яті; автобіографічні спогади; тимчасова втрата пам’яті; відновлювати в пам’яті слова.

IV. Try to examine your memory. Work in pairs

1. Think about trying to remember the name of a person you met yesterday; you might try a variety of strategies.

2. Where did you meet?

3. What were they wearing?

4. What letter did their name being with or what did it rhyme with?

5. Who did they remind you of?

6. What did you discuss?

7. All these are different access points by which we might attempt to retrieve the missing name. And almost certainly each of these features is stored in a different region of the brain

V. Translate into English:

1. Найкращий спосіб покращити пам'ять ─ покращити постачання кисню до голови.

2. Пам'ять виконує функцію накопичення та зберігання інформації та попереднього досвіду.

3. Вчені вважають, що людина повинна виконувати певні дії, щоб запобігти втраті пам’яті.

4. Щоб залишитись розумово активною людиною, треба уникати депресії, стресів, добре харчуватись і вести здоровий спосіб життя.

VI. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Remembering involves recovering things from longer term memory and placing them into “working memory”.

2. Many things are recalled only for a few seconds or minutes - strings of numbers and people’s names ─ before being permanently lost.

3. Children below the age of eight seem to remember very well , and most of us lose the ability as we grow older.

4. The great mystery with which neuroscientists are currently wrestling is to understand how all these different regions and brain processes are bound together to give us coherent conscious experience.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. What is memory?

2. What types of memory are mentioned in the text ?

3. Can emotion have a powerful impact on memory?

4. What are the best ways to improve memory?

5. What does cognition include?

6. What is the tip- of- the- tongue phenomenon?

7. What diseases are connected with memory disorders?

8. What recommendations are to be followed to keep the mind in good functionality?

9. What is explicit/ implicit memory?

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