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I. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and phrases. Make your own sentences with them:

to settle down to a regular rhythm of sleep; mechanizm for survival; to cope with life; pattern of sleep; insomnia; to work round-the-clock; to be drowsy; mental vigilance; to complain; fall asleep; to distort the netural rhythm of sleep; night-shift worker; darkened room; to reflect on happy events in one’s life; to get the order to sleep; to take smth.away; to present problems for the sleep-deprived; to overcome fatique; boring, repetitive tasks; to look tired; muscle co-ordination had deteriorated; adverse effect; incomniac.

II. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

дрімати; не спати; недремність; призвичаїтись до ритму сну; біологічний годинник; механізм виживання; страждати від безсоння; спотворювати природний ритм сну; подолати втому; робітник, який працює в нічну зміну; шкідливий вплив; той, що страждає від безсоння; координація м’язів погіршилася.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1.… presented some problems for the sleep deprived.

2. If you miss a lot of sleep, you…

3. Of all living creatures only humans…

4. An inbuilt mechanism, telling a person to fall asleep and wake up is called…

5. Anxiety to jet travel, excitement, television, night- shift work disitort…

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What is the purpose of the biological clock?

2. What factors keep us awake?

3. What are the factors damaging the operation of the biological clock?

4. What will happen to your body and state of consiousness if you miss a lot of sleep?

5. Why do some people have insomnia?

6. Describe the Lesley Gamble’s case.

7. What tasks presented problems for the sleep deprived students under experiment?

Text 3 . Sweet Dreams

Everyone of us dreams on and off throughout each night, no matter how vehemently some of us may deny it. True, we probably don't remember even a fraction of our dreams, but laboratory tests have shown that all our brains are busy while we are asleep. Exactly why we dream isn't fully understood, but there's little doubt dreams act as a kind of safety valve, helping us to sift through our waking experiences, and to reconcile conflicting feelings about our lives. In this way, dreams can be of great value in understanding our problems and in getting to know ourselves better.

The language of dreams is undeniably puzzling, and yet it does have a logic of its own. To help you understand your dreams it's a good idea to keep a dream journal by your bedside so that you can capture the fleeting details the moment you awake. Note down not just what happens in the dream but the mood and feelings it evokes. Over the months you should begin to see a pattern in your dreaming. One thing's for sure, the more you study your dreams, the more you will be amazed at how clever your mind is.

Sometimes the messages of our dreams simply revolve around recognizable people, objects and events which are out of their normal context, but surprisingly the dream message will often involve a pun, either visual or verbal.

Along with symbols that are special to us, there is the amazing phenomenon of universal symbols, the idea that we are all born knowing a shared dream language. This arises from what Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung called ‘the collective unconsciousness’. All over the world people are dreaming in the same symbolic language every night, with only slight differences according to culture and customs. If you find it hard to accept, ask around your friends and family and you'll see how many of them regularly dream of the following:

Water: It's our emotional life that's being focused on when we dream of water. A flood can indicate we are being overwhelmed by emotion. Or the water may be stagnant and murky, turbulent or calm, showing various feelings in our waking lives.

Journeys: Whatever the mode of transport, a traveling dream symbolizes our journey through life. If we dream we keep missing buses or planes we should not panic. It means we are anxious, but that any real life setbacks are only temporary.

Flying: Flying can show that the dreamer suffers from a lack of confidence and would like to feel more on tops of things, and to rise above difficulties.

Sitting an exam: When we dream we're sitting an exam we feel ill-prepared for, it may be a sign that we fear we're about to face a test in life we won't be able to cope with.

Recurring dreams can be disturbing, and dream analysts say they indicate that we need to take another look at events in our lives - things which we thought we understood the significance of but perhaps didn't.

Can dreams foretell the future? This is the $64,000 question. There are plenty of people who claim to have dreamed the results of horse races, which must come in handy. All too many people have foreseen tragedies such as the TITANIC disaster in their dreams. Surely the future can occasionally be glimpsed in dreams.

(Донченко Е.Н. Английский для психологов и социологов.Пособие. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2006 – 512 с.)

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