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I. Memorize the following words and phrases:


роздратування, гнів, досада


приголомшений, вражений

to work out


sounding board

звуковий відбивач; тут: людина, яка завжди тебе вислухає

to moderate

стримувати, приборкувати, пом’якшувати


стресор; чинник, який викликає стрес

to loom large

набирати перебільшених (загрозливих) розмірів,

to fade


to succumb to guilt

піддаватися відчуттю провини

status quo

статус кво, існуючий стан





to pamper

балувати, тішити


робити собі приємність; розважати



to assert

відстоювати, захищати

II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrase below:

don’t let minor aggravations get to us; to ignore feelings of aggravation; look beyond; to acknowledge; coping strategy; action strategy; to keep moving; prospective employer; unfamiliar task; to break the task down into logical steps; to look for alternatives; to view problem solving as enjoyable and challenging; professional counselor; earthshaking crises; to keep sense of perspective; legitimate problem; to fail to meet an obligation; to hurt someone’s feelings; to treat with respect; to withstand stress; to look forward; indulge in a personal luxury.

III. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

не дозволяйте найменшому роздратуванню оволодівати вами; можливий роботодавець; не втрачати відчуття перспективи; образити чиїсь почуття; винести урок.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What does it mean “to keep a sense of perspective”?

2. What would you do if you lost a job?

3. Why is it important to have somebody who acts as a sounding board?

4. What are the tactics helping to accept things that can’t be changed?

5. What will you do if you get an unfamiliar task?

V. Translate into English:

1. Існує так багато речей, які ми можемо приборкувати або контролювати, що на ті речі, які ми не можемо змінити, залишається менше досвіду і терпіння.

2. Сучасне суспільство зіпсоване своєю здатністю контролювати усі сфери життя.

3. Кожній людині потрібен хтось, хто може вислухати – близький друг, член родини, консультант.

4. Не дозволяйте іншим використовувати ваше почуття провини для маніпулювання вами. Якщо ви, наприклад, не виконали свої зобов’язання, зробіть усе можливе, щоб це більше не повторилося.

5. Не сприймайте негативну поведінку інших людей на свою адресу.

Part VII.Sleep and dreams. Memory and brain.

7.1. Sleep and dreams Text 1. Sleep

Human beings spend about one-third of their lives in the altered state of consciousness known as sleep: a natural state of rest characterized by a reduction in voluntary body movement and decreased awareness of the surroundings. No one who has tried to stay awake longer than 20 hours at a time could doubt the necessity of sleep. Some people claim they never sleep, but when observed under laboratory conditions, they actually sleep soundly without being aware of it.

When people are sleep-deprived, they crave sleep just as strongly as they would food or water after a period of deprivation. Sleep depri­vation impairs cognitive skills to. a greater extent than many people realize. When deprived of sleep we react more slowly, have more trouble focusing attention, and are more prone to making errors in judgment. Emergency room doctors often lose sleep because of the unpredictable and demanding nature of their work. This can be a serious problem when they are called on to make critical decisions quickly. Merely resting doesn't satisfy us.

Humans are not alone in their need for sleep. All birds and mammals sleep, and although scientists are not sure about reptiles, frogs, fish, and even insects go into "rest states" similar to sleep. Indeed, Drosophila fruit flies, a favorite subject for genetic studies because they reproduce rapidly, are remarkably like us. They are active during the day and somnolent at night; when deprived of sleep they need long naps to recover: and caffeine keeps them awake, whereas antihistamines make them drowsy.

How long organisms sleep, where, in what positions, and other details vary from species to species. In general, large animals sleep less than small animals. Dolphins and other aquatic mammals actually sleep on the move. If they didn't keep one flipper paddling and periodically surface to breathe, they would drown. How do they accomplish this? By sleeping with only one hemisphere of their brain at a time. Birds are also half-brain sleepers, but apparently for a different reason: to keep one eye open for predators.

Other organisms, such as fish, usually find a protected place and rest for just minutes at a time by slowing their metabolism down. Brightly colored reef fish can even "turn down" their colors when they rest to reduce the risk of being seen by predators.

Nobody knows exactly why we need to sleep. Evolutionary sychologists see sleep as an adaptive mechanism that evolved to allow organisms to conserve and restore energy. In support of this theory, researchers have shown that people use less energy when they are asleep than when they are awake.

Another possibility is that some vital substance in the nervous system is resynthesized during sleep. But what that substance might be is still a mystery, although a recent study suggests that the naturally occurring chemical adenosine may be involved. In this study, cats kept awake an abnormally long time were found to have elevated levels of adenosine in their brains during wakefulness. When the cats were finally permitted to sleep, the adenosine levels dropped. To determine whether the adenosine buildup actually caused the sleepiness, the investigators injected adenosine into well-rested cats. These cats immediately became sleepy and began to exhibit the EEG patterns typical of drowsiness. Exactly why a high level of adenosine appears to trigger.sleepiness is not known, but additional research along this line may soon provide us with a better understanding of the neurological processes underlying the need for sleep.

(Бочарова Г.В., Степанова М.Г. Read Off! Graded Reader with Exersizes: Сборник текстов по психологи для чтения на английском языке с упражнениями.─ М. : Флинта, 2008.─208с.)

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