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I. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the words and phrases below. Use them in sentences:

to project one’s anger onto smb; orphaned or bereaved child; unresolved feelings; troublemaker; emotional divorce; remarried people; responsibility for the child; to have more authority; to assume the role of disciplinarian; parental roles; ambiguous; to resent the stepparent; to hand down discipline; biological parent with custody; to present a united front on matters of discipline; to get over fantasies; to break away from biological families; to be at a disadvantage; stepfathers tend to jump in as the disciplinarians; to establish one’s own identity.

II. Find English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

створити атмосферу любові та гармонії; знову жити разом; задовго до одруження; мачуха; вітчим; викликати багато проблем; колишній чоловік/дружина; законне розлучення; порвати стосунки з біологічною сім’єю; стосунки між дорослими; позбутись фантазії; роль батьків; встановити дисципліну; осиротіла дитина; брати на себе роль прихильника суворої дисципліни.

III. Translate into English:

1. Сім’я за іншим шлюбом може забезпечити підтримку всім її членам.

2. Розлучені жінки схильні частіше впадати в депресію, ніж заміжні жінки.

3. У неповних сім’ях допомога дітей зазвичай є дуже вагомою.

4. Розлучення на емоційному рівні відбувається значно пізніше.

5. Вітчим або мачуха завжди перебувають у невигідному становищі, коли намагаються покарати дитину.

6. Діти часто ображаються на вітчима/мачуху, коли ті вимагають дотримання дисципліни.

IV. Role-play:

Your close friend has a stepfather who is constantly trying to discipline her by giving orders and commands. She doesn't like it and reacts by talking back. She is even contemplating an idea of running away from home.

V. Answer the questions:

1. Why is the number of people living in stepfamilies growing?

2. Why is disappointment common in stepfamilies?

3. What sorts of differences in values should new stepfamilies work out?

4. What is the main problem in stepfamilies?

5. Why do children resent the stepparents who hand down discipline?

6. Can family courtship be nice and productive?

7. What are the most serious challenges in first and stepfamilies?

Text 6. Ten Tips for Building a Marriage

Take encouragement or take action by thinking about the following points and how they can strengthen your marriage:

  • You don’t have to feel loving in order to be loving.

  • Love your husband/wife even when they don’t deserve it. None of us does all the time.

  • Choose to treat your marriage partner with respect! Even when hurt or angry, at least be as polite as you would be to a neighbor or colleague. If you wouldn’t be rude to them, why should you be to your partner?

  • Recognize that ─ just like you ─ your marriage partner sometimes needs somebody to comfort them. Give a them hug, a touch, a reassuring word or listening ear.

  • Make a decision to listen to, and understand your husband/wife ─ before you expect them to listen to you.

  • Remember, it’s not what you said, but what they think you said that is the issue. In a conflict, keep to the issue in hand.

  • Help and support one another in the ‘little’ tasks of life.

  • On sensitive issues, and during disagreements, feed back what you think your partner is saying or feeling ─ before you say what you think or feel about the matter.

Appreciate your marriage partner. Be specific about what you like about them.

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