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Virtuoso XL Layout Editor User Guide

Setting Up Device Abutment for Virtuoso XL Layout Editor

E = abutEncloseContact. The abutEncloseContact rule is applied to the larger of two different width abutting pins when a contact is needed between the gates if the larger pins width is greater than or equal to the abutMinContactWidth rule. The abutSmallerParallel rule is applied to the smaller of the two pins being abutted.

F = abutSmallerSeries. The abutSmallerSeries rule is applied to the smaller of two abutting pins when a contact is not needed between the gates.

G = abutSmallerParallel. The abutSmallerParallel rule is applied to the smaller of two abutting pins when a contact is needed between the gates.

H = abutEncloseDogBoneContact. The abutEncloseDogBoneContact rule is applied when contacts are needed and the width of the device is less than the abutMinContactWidth rule. It is applied to the larger of two different width pins or the moving of two equal width pins.

I = abutMinContactWidth. The abutMinContactWidth rule is used to determine whether to use the rule abutEncloseContact or abutEncloseDogBoneContact when a contact is needed between gates.

Example Code Setting MOS Abutment Properties

Below is an example of properties being applied to pins on the left and right edges of a MOS pcell. The pins rectangles were created by the rodCreateRect command. The pins rectangles are referenced by two variables named leftObj and rightObj pointing to their rod object ids. The pcell parameters that control the “stretching” of the left and right pin extensions past the gate are named leftSt and rightSt. All abutment extension rule values in the abutMosStretchMat property list must be numeric. The pcell parameters that control whether or not the left or right pins have contacts over them are leftCnt and rightCnt. The contact parameters must be boolean type parameters.

;;Definition of variables used in the abutRuleList calculations for the abutMosStretchMat.property.

;;cw = contact width

;;doc = diffusion overlap of contact

;;pps = poly to poly space

;;pcs = poly to contact space

;;pds = poly to diffusion space

abutRuleList = list(

list("abutFlush" 0.0)

list("abutGateSpaceSeries" pps)

list("abutGateSpaceParallel" max((cw + (pcs * 2)) pps))

list("abutEncloseGate" doc)

list("abutEncloseContact" doc + cw + pcs)

December 2002


Product Version 5.0

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