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Лекции по английскому языку.doc
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II. Интонация. Ударение.

1. Определите правильный вариант расставленных знаков интонации. Сопоставьте, как бы Вы сказали это предложение по-русски? Ответ обведите кружком.

~ A. I bought [bO:t](купил/а) a shirt [S@:t]}, a tie} and some trousers\['trauz@z] (брюки).

B. I bought a shirt\, a tie\ and some trousers\.

C. I bought a shirt\, a tie} and some trousers\.

D. I bought a shirt}, a tie\ and some trousers}.

~ 2. Повторяйте за диктором слова. Подчеркните графический вариант фонемы [tF]:

picture (картина, рисунок)

architectural (архитектурный)

natural (естественный, натуральный)

structural (структурный)

literature (литература)

departure (отбытие, отъезд)

mixture (смешивание, смесь, микстура)

temperature (температура)

~ III. 1. Напишите графические эквиваленты слов, изображенных в транскрипции:

Образец: [dZAmp] прыжок jump___ ['OrIndZ] апельсин ____________

[jO:] ваш (твой) ____________ [jцО] молодой ____________

[tSi:p] дешевый ____________ [D{t] тот ____________

[Tru:] через ____________ [b{nk] банк ____________

~ 2. Повторяйте за диктором, следя за интонацией;

do you}? do you}? do you}? are you}? does he}?

do they} do they?} do they}? are they}? does she}

does he}? does he}? does she}?

IV. Внимательно прочитайте текст, добиваясь беспереводного понимания содержания. Подготовьтесь к аудиторному занятию. Напишите вопросы к тексту по-английски.

Сделайте письменный перевод текста:


Незнакомые слова:

1.The sun comes up in the east and goes down ________________

in the west. When the sun rises, it is morning. ________________

When the sun sets, it is evening. When the sun ________________

is shining, it is day. Morning is the time between _______________

sunrise and twelve o’clock, or between sunrise ________________

and lunch. Afternoon is the time between lunch ________________

and about five or six o’clock. ________________

2. When does the sun shine? The sun

shines during the day. The moon and ________________

the stars shine during the night. When the ________________

sun rises, it is light. It is light during the ________________

day. During the night, if the moon is not ________________

shining, it is dark. ________________


3. Does the sun rise in the east or in the ________________

west? It rises in the east. Where does the ________________

sun set? It sets in the west. Where is the ________________

sun at twelve o’clock? At twelve o’clock _______________

the sun is high in the sky, over our heads. ________________

The sun is overhead at noon. ________________

4. In the Great Britain, December, January ________________

and February are the winter months. ________________

In winter the days are short and the ________________

nights are long. In December the sun ________________

rises about eight o’clock and sets about ________________

four o’clock. There are only about ________________

eight hours of daylight. ________________


The summer months in Great Britain ________________

are June, July and August. ________________

The days are long in summer and the ________________

nights are short. In July the ________________

sun rises about four o’clock and sets ________________

about half-past eight. ________________