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ОМ УМК на анг. языке 2012-2013 уч. год.doc
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5. Performance criteria:

а) selection and studying of basic literary sources on the researched problem;

b) written design in a form of extracts and abstracts;

c) information processing and systematization;

d) abstract compiling and design.

Requirements to glossary design:

а) the volume of glossary should include not less than 50 terms;

b) a glossary should be compiled with brief and concrete explanations;

c) correct presentation of the bibliography list.

6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Molecular cytobiology”.

7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%

8. Bibliography:

8.1. Арчаков А. И. Что за геномикой? – Протеомика. //Вопр. мед.химии, 2000. Т. 46, № 4. С. 335–343.

8.2. Арчаков А.И. Биоинформатика, геномика и протеомика - науки о жизни XXI столетия / Вопросы медицинской химии, № 1, 2000. URL: http://medi.ru/pbmc/8800101.htm (дата обращения 12.10.2009)

8.3. Замятнин А.А. Блистающий мир белков и пептидов. //Биология. 2002. № 25–26. P. 8–13.

8.4. Ясный И.Е., Цыбина Т.А., Шамшурин Д.В., Колосов П.М.

8.5. Интернет сайты:

Структурная геномика и медицина // Молекулярная медицина. - 2009. - № 6. - С. 15-20.






9. Check:

1. Modern genome concepts.

2. Differences between procaryote and eukaryote genomes.

3. Significance of genomics in medicine.

4. Prospects of proteomics studying.

5. Application of information on human metabolism for biologically active additives and medicine creation.

1. Theme #6. Cloning of organisms and cells

2. The aim: to form at students modern ideas of principles, methods of organisms and cells cloning and their application in medicine.

3. The tasks:

3.1. Cloning: last, present, future.

3.2. Reproductive cloning.

3.3. Ethical and legal problems of organisms cloning.

3.4. Human cloning: the pros and cons.

3.5. Possible fields of cloning technology application.

3.6. Cellular therapy and therapeutic cloning.

4. Performance form: abstract and/or project work.

5. Performance criteria:

а) studying and selection of recent literary sources;

b) information processing and systematization;

c) plan designing;

d) bibliography compiling;

e) abstract and/or project work making up.

The structure of abstract work:

1) the title page (made up in due form);

2) the table of contents (consecutive statement with indication of the main sections page numbers);

3) introduction (substantiation of the researched problem, its importance and urgency; determination of the aims and tasks of work);

4) the main part (each section should reveal evidentially a particular problem or one of its aspects, be logic continuation of the previous material; tables, schemes, diagrams, figures can be presented in this section or they can be executed as annex to abstract work);

5) conclusion (the results are summed up, the deductions are formulated and recommendations are suggested);

6) the list of bibliography (made up in due form).

Requirements to abstract work design:

а) the volume of abstract work should not exceed 10-15 printing pages (annexes are not included into a paper volume);

b) a text of abstract work should be carefully edited and grammatically verified;

c) references should be presented in numbers, corresponding to the number in the list of bibliography;

d) the list of bibliography should be at the end of a text according to order of appearance.

6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Fundamentals of general genetics”.

7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%