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ОМ УМК на анг. языке 2012-2013 уч. год.doc
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  1. Control:

7.1. Evaluation of competence – knowledge

7.1.1. Interrogation on questions of the theme

7.1.2. Test control – 3 variants, 10 questions each

7.1.3. Drawing up schemes:

  • Operon model (Muminov T.A., Kuanndykov Y.U. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, p. 85, picture 43, 1st row)

7.1.4 Problem solution

Recognition site of RNA-polymerase- TATAAT, -35 nucleotide sequence – TT GAC A

Recognition site of protein-repressor in the operon (operator) – ATTTTAT, structural genes begin from codons TAC and end with codons ATX; spacer sectors TTTT are between the genes.

  1. Using these data, build a model of Lac-operon consisting of three structural genes: structural gene Z consists of 5 codons, structural genes Y and A – of 4 codons.

  2. Perform transcription. How many i-RNA are formed in this site?

  3. Now many proteins are coded in this site of the DNA? Determine their structure.

    1. Evaluation of competence – practical skills

      1. Draw and explain the mechanisms of gene expression regulation.

      2. Determine elements included in the composition of the tryptophan operon, the type and activity of the operon.

Lesson number 8

  1. Title: Landmark for the control section: «Basics of molecular biology»

  2. Aims: Determine the level of understanding of students and the material of lectures and practical classes in the structural organization and functioning of genetic material at the molecular level.

  3. Learning objectives: Through oral questioning and testing solutions to common problems to determine the level of assimilation and understanding of students in this section.

4.Form of the conducting: combined method of learning (conversation, solution situational problems ) recitation, aimed at clarifying the nature of student understanding of the purpose and objectives lessons, ability to present a brief clear and logical skills to portray the assimilated material in the form of charts graphs graphics testing, followed by analysis of errors in the work group, an explanation and demonstration of problem solving, completion of schemes.

5.On the job: 5.1.subject and tasks of molecular biology. 5.2.main stages in the development of molecular biology. 5.3objects and methods of molecular-genetic Research 5.4.the achievement of foreign and native scientists in the field of molecular biology. 5.5. the role of molecular genetic knowledge in medicine. 5.6nucleic acid structure of the classification function 5.7.gene, molecular-biological definition 5.8.mutton,reconstruction,cistron-definition, concept. 5.9. Molecular genetic structure of prokaryotic gene 5.10. Molecular genetic structure of eukaryotes gene. 5.11.Coding regulatory sequences, definition,function. 5.12.classification of genes 5.13.direction and the types of transfers of genetic information of living organisms 5.14.Principles of DNA replication 5.15.features of the replication of leading and trailing strands of DNA 5.16.key enzymes involved in replication and their functions 5.17.causes and mechanisms of removing replication errors 5.18. biological and medical significance of DNA replication errors 5.19. reasons недорепликации telomeric DNA 5.20. telomerase, its structure and role in telomere elongation of DNA 5.21. biological and medical significance of telomeric regions of linear DNA molecules 5.22. transcription, the definition, description 5.23 the principle of matrix synthesis and mRNA, unlike the transcription from the replication 5.24. mechanism of transcription of prokaryotic genes:

1) initiation 2) elongation 3) termination

transcription эукариотических gene

5.25 importance transcription factor

5.26 постранскрипционная modification nucleus и-РНК. Maturation (процессинг) nucleus РНК


5.27 Alternative splaying, genetic importance.

5.28 Translation, determination, stage

5.29 Genetic code, determination, characteristic

5.30 Ribosome, construction, functions

5.31 Construction of the molecule т-РНК

5.32 Feature to stage to initiations, элонгации and терминации to translations beside прокариот

5.33 Particularities биосинтеза squirrel beside прокариот

Translation эукариотических hutches, determination

5.34 Feature stage to translations beside эукариот:

1) initiation

2) элонгация

3) termination

5.35 Folding squirrel

5.36 Importance of the breaches to translations in medicine

5.37 Regulyaciya activities gene, notion, essence, importance in vital activity organism (hutches)

5.38 Operonnaya model the regulation to activities gene beside procaryotes5.39 Types регуляции to activities gene (negative, positive, indutsebelny, repressibelny)

5.40 The Level регуляции to activities gene, feature:

- on gene level

- on transcription level

- on level

- on translation level

- on transcription level

7.9. Fuller, DM, Dennis Shilds.Molekulyarnaya cell biology. Guidelines for vrachey.M: Bean Press, 2006,

7.10. Biology. Edited by VN Yarygin. M: 2001,