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ОМ УМК на анг. языке 2012-2013 уч. год.doc
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7. References: The main

7.1. Ayapa F., J. Kayger modern genetics. MM. In 1988. 7.2. B. Alberts et al Molecular Biology of the Cell. M., 1986. In 1994.Page 124 of 221 7.3. Ginter EK Medical Genetics. MM. In 2003. 7.4. Genetics. Ed. Ivanov, VI M., 2006. 7.5. IF Zhimulev General and molecular genetics. Novosibirsk, 2006. 7.6. Mushkambarov NN. Kuznetsov, SL Molecular Biology. M., 2003. 7.7. MuminovT.A., Kuandykov II.U. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (lectures). Almaty, 2007. 7.8. Fuller JM, Shields D. Molecular Biology of the Cell. M., 2006. Additional:

7.1. Hare, RG and other general and medical genetics. Rostov-on-Don. In 2002. 7.2. SG Inge-Vechtomov Genetics of the basics of breeding. MM. In 1989. 7.1. Konichev AS, GA Sevastyanova Molecular Biology. M., 2005. 7.2. Lewin B. Genes. MM. In 1987.

8. Control: 8.1. Assessment of competence - building. 8.1.1. Quizzes on topics. 8.1.2. Test Control-12 version of R) issues.

8.2. Assessment of competencies - skills. 8.2.1. Show and explain the mechanisms of the different levels of organization of genetic material of cells 8.2.2. Show and explain the change in the content of the genetic material in cells mi Gothic complex topologies 11 and cl e 8.2.3. Show and explain the process of meiotic cell division and its genetic significance 8.2.4. Show and explain the stages of spermatogenesis 8.2.5. Show and explain the stages of oogenesis 8.2.6. Show and explain the role of cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases in the regulation of E is] the algebraic cycle 8.2.7.Izobrazit and explain the role of sverochnyh points in the control of the mitotic cycle 8.2.8. Show and describe the slime of mutations depending on the violation of genetic material of cells (genome, chromosome, gene) 8.2.9. Show types of genomic mutations and explain the mechanisms of their occurrence 8.2.10. Show types of chromosomal mutations and explain the mechanisms of their occurrence 8.2.11. View of gene types (of point) mutations, and explain the mechanisms of their occurrence 8.2.12. Show and explain the nature of light, and the tempo postreplikativnoy DNA repair 8.2.13. Show and explain the nature and stage of apoptosis and its significance in medicine 8.2.14. Show and explain the essence of molskulyarno-genetic methods for amplification and sequencing of D11K 8.2.15. Show and explain the mechanisms of rekombinativnoy variability and its genetic significance 8.216. List the properties of malignant tumor cells and to characterize its features 8.2.17. Show and explain the mechanisms of transformation of proto-oncogene into an oncogene. 8.3. An estimate of competencies - communication skills. 8.3.1. Ability to properly present the material in the conversation, ability to work as a team.

Lesson 6

  1. Theme: Human Hereditary Diseases. Chromosomal Diseases