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ОМ УМК на анг. языке 2012-2013 уч. год.doc
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8. Control:

8.1. .Rating of competences knowledge

8.1.1. Quiz on topics.

8.1.2.Tests. 3variants (each variant -10questions).

8.1.3. Filling out tables:escribe the types of apoptosis

Types of apoptosis

Characteristic features

“Apoptosis from within”

“Apoptosis on command”

2) Sign and explain stages of apoptosis in reducend figure:

3) Complete the missing links in the scheme appoptosis:

I njury(stress) Ligand Killer (Fas-L, TNF-α,)

P ermeability of the mitochondrial membrane Activation of the receptor of death(FasKiller/ DRS5)


AIF, Cytochrom C Capsize?


Effectors capsize?

Key substrates


8.1.4.Fill the table, “the difference morphological features of apoptosis and necrosis”


Morfological features



Lesson №. 2

1. Theme: Variability not hereditary and hereditary.

2. Purpose: to create at students of knowledge of the emergence reasons, mechanisms of development, a role of hereditary variability in evolution of live organisms and applied medicine.

3. Problems of training:

- to study and understand cytologic bases of rekombinative variability,

- to study and understand a role of recombinations of genes in emergence of genetic polymorphism and its value in biology and medicine,

- to study the reasons of emergence of mutations,

- to study mechanisms of emergence of genomic mutations,

- to study a role of genomic mutations in development of hereditary pathology.

4. Main questions of a subject:

4.1. Fenotipical variability. Fenokopy, their medical value.

4.2. Genotipical variability, its types.

4.3. Rekombinativity variability.

4.4. Mutational variability, classification.

4.5. Mutageneses, mutagen factors

4.6. Genomic mutations, their role in development of chromosomal diseases.

4.7. The law RK from 23.04.1998 N 219-I «About radiating safety of the population», RK 09.01.2007 N 212 Code – III «The ecological code of RK» (Chapter 40)

5. Training methods: the combined method of training (conversation, the solution of situational tasks, filling of tables)

6. Literature:

6.1. Ayala F., Kayger Dzh. Modern genetics. M, 1988, page 8-67.

6.2. Zhimulev I.B. General and molecular genetics. Novosibirsk, 2006, page 51-77, page 224-233.

6.3. Genetics. Under the editorship of Ivanov V. I. M, 2006. page 164-173, 219-267.

6.4. Medical biology and genetics under the editorship of prof. Kuandykov E.U. Almaty, 2004, page 116-129.

6.5. Muminov T.A., Kuandykov E.U. Bases of molecular biology (course of lectures). Almaty, 2007, page 143-169.

6.6. Mushkambarov N. N., Kuznetsov S. L. Molecular biology. M, 2003, page 78-82.