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20. Match the word combination in column a with those in Column b.





1. It must have been him.

a. Можно посмотреть Ваш багаж?

Можна подивитися Ваш багаж?

2. you may go to gate 18.

b. Мы пойдем в кино?

Мі підемо у кіно.

3. Do you have to travel abroad in your job?

c. Вы можете пройти к стоянке 18.

Ви можете пройти до стоянки 18.

4. Some British children have to wear a uniform at school.

d. Тебе не следует выходить из дома.

Тобі не варто виходити з дому.

5. The cat could be under the bed.

e. Ей не следует беспокоить своих родителей.

Їй не варто хвилювати своїх батьків.

6. Could I see your luggage?

f. Ты умеешь говорить по-испански?

Ти умієш говорити іспанською?

7. You must be very cold!

g. Это наверняка был он.

Це напевно був він.

8. Can you speak Spanish?

h. Возможно это была она.

Можливо це була вона.

9. You should have a rest.

i. Британские дети должны в школе носить форму.

Британські діти повинні у школі носити форму.

10. It might be our neighbors’ car.

j. Вам следует отдохнуть.

Вам варто відпочити.

11. It could have been them.

k. Возможно, эта машина наших соседей.

Можливо, це машина наших сусідів.

12. We must have a party on Saturday.

l. Вы, должно быть, очень замерзли.

Ви, напевно, дуже змерзли.

13. She shouldn’t trouble her parents.

m. Возможно, кот под кроватью.

Можливо кіт під ліжком.

14. Shall we go to the cinema?

n. У нас должна быть вечеринка в субботу.

У нас повинна бути вечірка у суботу.

15. You shouldn’t go out. (leave home).

o. Вы должны ездить за границу по своей работе?

Ви повинні їздити закордон по своїй роботі?

  1. Complete the sentences about yourself using the words in brackets.

1. This lesson ends at twelve o’clock___________________ . (end)

2. At the weekend I’ll probably go to the cinema_________ . (probably go)

3. Next summer _____________________________________ . (visit)

4. When I finish this exercise, __________________________ . (be)

5. Tomorrow evening I expect __________________________ . (eat)

6. At the end of my course _____________________________ . (probably speak)

7. My next class _____________________________________ . (begin)

8. Next week ________________________________________ . (have)

9. My course ________________________________________ . (finish)

22. Read and translate the text.

Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment for the purpose of efficiently accomplishing selected aims. Managers carry out the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and Managing is an essential activity at all organizational levels; managerial skills required vary with organizational levels. Although women have made progress in obtaining responsible positions, they still have long way to go. The goal of all managers is to create a surplus and to be productive, that is, to achieve a favorable output-input ratio within a specific time period with due consideration for quality. Productivity implies effectiveness (achieving of objectives) and efficiency (using the least amount of resources).

Managing as practice is art; organized knowledge about management is science. The development of management theory involves the development of concepts, principles, and techniques.

There are many theories about management, and each contributes something to our knowledge of what managers do. Each approach has its own characteristics and advantages as well as limitations. The operational or management process, approach draws on each “school” and systematically integrates them.