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Учебное пособие НАР.ШАМ. 2008.doc
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At a Hospital Chemist’s

А - Hello. Haven't seen you for ages. It’s already five years after we graduated from the University.

В - Hi. Friends may meet, but mountains never greet. Where do you work now, I wonder?

A - Believe it or not, but I work in a hospital.

В - In a hospital? But you're a pharmacist!

A - Yes, I am. And I work at a hospital pharmacy.

В - Oh, really? And does it differ from an ordinary city pharmacy?

A - Of course, it does. First of all it's not a shop. Our pharmacy supplies the hospital with all necessary drugs and medical commodities.

В - I see. And how are the drugs kept in your pharmacy, I wonder?

A - You see… Our pharmacy occupies three large rooms. In two rooms you will see numerous drug cabinets, shelves and a couple of fridges with all possible drugs. Every bottle or box has a label with the name of the drug on it. Besides, the labels are of different colours.

В - Yes, I know that white ones are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones - drugs for injections.

A - You're absolutely right. Besides, poisonous drugs are marked with the letter

A, and strong-effective ones - with the letter B.

В - And what are your responsibilities in this pharmacy?

A - Well…I control the doctors' indications, recommend analogues, and attend to the due supply of the pharmacy with drugs and medical goods.

В - I guess your work is very interesting.

A – It really is. You can come and see it with your own eyes.

В - Thank you. I'll come with pleasure.

At the University Chemist’s

Correspondent: Good morning. I am ... I am a correspondent of the magazine "Health".

Manager: I am glad to meet you at our University chemist's. Let me introduce myself. I'm Professor Pavlov, head of the Pharmacy Business Department. And here I am the manager.

C: As far as I know it is the first university chemist's in your town. My first question is: "How does it differ from other chemist's shops?"

M: The matter is that as a rule there are two departments at a chemist's shop but here you can see four of them.

C: Yes, I can see the traditional chemist's and prescription departments. And what is there on the second floor?

M: There we have an optic department and the so-called “green department”.

C: Green department? What is it?

M: You see... It is a special department where medicinal plants are sold. Here you can get qualified consultation from the teachers of Pharmacognosy department of our University.

C: I can see that all plants are kept in drug cabinets, just like medicines.

M: Of course, and there are labels with the name of the plant on each cabinet And now, Mr/Mrs ... I’d like to show you something special. This way, please …

C: My God! This place looks like a bar!

M: Yes, this is our phyto-bar. Here customers may have herb cocktails, different decoctions and teas.

C: Fantastic! I believe it's possible to get necessary consultations here as well, isn’t it?

M: Sure. The leading specialists of our university give consultations to our customers here.

C: I think your chemist's shop should be extremely popular with the residents of your town. I wish you good luck.

M: Thanks a lot. Come again any time you like. It’s been nice meeting you.

C: The pleasure was mine.