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USB System Architecture (USB 2.0).pdf
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USB System Architecture

Identification of Bit Fields (logical groups of bits or signals)

All bit fields are designated in little-endian bit ordering as follows:

[X:Y], where “X” is the most-significant bit and “Y” is the least-significant bit of the field.

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USB System Architecture


Part One

Overview of

USB 2.0

Part One discusses the designs goals of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) that emerged from the acknowledged shortcomings of the original PC’s implementation of peripheral device expansion. It also introduces the concepts of USB including the hardware and software elements required for its operation, and the support for low-, full-speed, and high-speed devices. Next, it discusses some of the USB features that are common to all device speeds, such as cable connector and bus power. The chapters included in Part One are:

Chapter 1: Design Goals of USB

Chapter 2: The Big Picture

Chapter 3: USB Cables and Connectors

Chapter 4: USB Cable Power Distribution


USB System Architecture


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