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Eugenia Nekrasova

A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

Nouns based on numerals

The Neuter nouns based on numerals are used when talking of anniversaries or historical periods, for example:

десяти|летие - 10-th anniversary, 10-year period пятидесяти|летие - 50-th anniversary ñòî|летие - centennial

двухсот|летие - bicentennial тысяче|летие - millenium

The Feminine nouns are used in evaluation, marking grades, in card games, etc.





















Он получил ïÿò¸ðêó. He got an excellent mark.

When counting in some units we use:



десяток - a ten

десяток ÿèö - ten eggs


сотня - a hundred

двойня - twins, тройня - triplets


The double numerals îáà/îáå -both deal with two people, two animals or two objects.

The double numeral îáà is used for a group of two Masculine nouns or a group of one Masculine and one Feminine noun, for example:

two people

студент + студент = îáà студента



- both students



îíè îáà - they both














M. F.

студент + студентка = îáà студента

- both students










îíè îáà - they both
































two animals


















M. M.









òèãð + òèãð = îáà тигра - both tigers






îíè îáà - they both

















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Eugenia Nekrasova

A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

two objects





äîì + äîì = îáà äîìà

îêíî + îêíî = îáà îêíà


- both houses


- both windows


îíè îáà - they both


îíè îáà - they both

The double numeral îáå is used for a group of two Feminine nouns denoting two people, two animals or two objects, for example:

F. F.

девочка + девочка = îáå девочки - both girls îíè îáå - they both






машина + машина = îáå машины

собака + собака = îáå собаки


- both cars



- both dogs


îíè îáå - they both



îíè îáå - they both


The Indefinite Numerals are as follows:

много - many, much, a lot немного - not many, a few сколько - how many, how much мало - little, few

несколько - several достаточно - enough столько - so many

столько.., сколько - as much.., as

All the Indefinite Numerals exist only in one unchangeable form.

All of them are followed by the Genitive Singular for the Uncountables and the Genitive Plural for the Countables, for example:



Gen. S.

Gen. Pl.

много снега - much snow

много êíèã - many books

Special case:

много народу - a lot of people h


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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar


Most commonly used Collective Numerals are as follows:

äâ‹å - a group of two òð‹å - a group of three чˆтверо - a group of four

Other Ñollective Numerals:

пятеро - a group of five шˆстеро - a group of six ñˆìåðî - a group of seven

The Collectives are used to denote groups of people either solely male or mixed (male + female), for example:

-Сколько вас? How many are you?

-Íàñ òðîå. We are three.

The Collective Numerals always take the Genitive Plural form of the nouns, adjectival nouns and personal pronouns, for example:


Íàñ òðîå. - We are three. - There are three of us. òðîå детей - three children


The verb combined with the Collective Numerals



has the following forms, for example:






Íàñ òðîå. - The verb is omitted - We are three.




Íàñ áûëî òðîå. - The Neuter form

- We were three.




Íàñ будет òðîå. - The 3-d person Sing. - We will be three.




The Collective Numerals are used in the impersonal sentences only.











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Eugenia Nekrasova

A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

Part 14


Prepositions are small but important words. They belong to the class of «governors» - words which change (govern) the case forms. Further you will find the list of most common prepositions and their uses given in the alphabetical order.

You will also discover that many prepositions can govern different cases and can have different meanings.

áåç + Gen.

без сахара - without sugar

â+ Acc.

ßåäó в Лондон. - I am going to London.

В пятницу ÿ åäó в Лондон. - I will go to London on Friday.

â + Prep.

ßæèâó в Москве. - I live in Moscow.

ßродился â ìàå. - I was born in May.

вместе с + Instr.

ß åäó вместе с братом. - I go with my brother.

вместо + Gen.

Он будет играть вместо меня. - He will play instead of me.

äëÿ + Gen.

бумага для принтера - paper for the printer Ýòî äëÿ ìåíÿ новость. - That`s news to me.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

äî + Gen.

Как доехать до вокзала? - How can I get to the railway station? Он работает äî ïÿòè. - He works tilI five.

До завтра! - See you tomorrow!

çà + Acc.

Мы доехали туда çà ÷àñ. - It took us an hour to get there. Надо заказать билеты за неделю. -

You have to reserve the tickets a week in advance. ß ðàä çà âàñ. - I am glad for you.

Спасибо за помощь. - Thank you for your help.

Надо заплатить за телефон. - You have to pay the telephone bill. ñ÷¸ò çà - bill for

Он купил эту книгу за 100 долларов. - He bought this book for hundred dollars.

çà + Instr.

Машина стоит за домом. - The car is behind the house. Я еду на вокзал за билетами.

-I am going to the railway station to buy the tickets. Я заеду çà âàìè рано утром.

-I will come to fetch you early in the morning.

èç + Gen.

Я выхожу èç äîìà â 7. - I leave home at seven.

Все детали сделаны из дерева. - All parts are made of wood. Некоторые èç íàñ поедут летом в Италию.

- Some of us will go to Italy this summer.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

èç-çà + Gen.

Все вышли èç-çà стола. - Everyone left the table.

Я опоздал èç-çà пробки. - I came late because of a traffic-jam.

ê(êî) + Dat.

Приезжайте êî ìíå в гости. - Come to see me. Мы подъехали к Москве поздно вечером.

- We approached Moscow late at night. Я приеду ê äâóì. - I will come by two.

кроме + Gen.

Îí åñò âñ¸, кроме рыбы.

- He eats everything except fish.

между + Instr.

хоккейный матч между Швецией и Канадой

- hockey match between Sweden and Canada

ìèìî + Gen.

Мы проехали мимо вокзала. - We drove past the railway station.

íà + Acc.

ßåäó на вокзал. - I am going to the railway station.

ßиду завтра на концерт.

-I am going to the concert tomorrow. ß åäó íà òðè äíÿ â Íüþ-Éîðê.

-I will go for three days to New York.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

íà + Prep.

Он сейчас на работе. - He is now at work.

Они сейчас на дискотеке. - They are at the disco now. Íà ïîëó âîäà. - There is some water on the floor.

На следующей неделе я еду в Париж. - I will go to Paris next week.

íàä + Instr.

Над входом висит колокольчик. - There is a bell over the entrance.

Он работает над новой книгой. - He works on a new book.

î (îá, îáî) + Prep.

Мы говорили о проблемах. - We spoke about the problems. Î ÷¸ì этот фильм? - What is this film about?

около + Gen.

около дома - near the house

около ста долларов - about hundred dollars

îò + Gen.

Я получил письмо от Николая. - I got a letter from Nikolay. êëþ÷ от машины - key to the car

лекарство от аллергии - anti-allergic medicine

Мы ехали от Бостона на машине. - We drove from Boston by car.

От Москвы до Киева 700 километров.

- It is seven hundred kilometers from Moscow to Kiev.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

перед + Instr.

Он стоял перед нами. - He stood in front of us.

Мы поговорим перед уроком. - We will talk before the lesson.

ïî + Dat.

Он много ездит по России. - He travels a lot about Russia. Экзамен по русскому языку - Russian exam

по утрам - in the mornings

по закону - according to the law Он сейчас говорит по телефону. - He is talking on the phone now.

ïîä + Acc.

Îí поставил ÿùèê ïîä ñòîë. - He put the box under the table.

ïîä + Instr.

ßùèê стоит под столом. - The box is under the table.

после + Gen.

Я приеду после обеда. - I will come after lunch.

ïðî + Acc.

Он рассказал про свою поездку. - He told about his trip.

ñ+ Instr.

ßåäó с братом. - I go with my brother.

ßучился ñ íèì в школе. - He is my schoolmate. (lit. I studied with him at school.)

ßне люблю чай с молоком. - I don`t like tea with milk.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

ó + Gen.

Ó ìåíÿ есть собака. - I have a dog. Я буду ждать вас у входа.

- I`ll be waiting for you at the entrance.

через + Acc.

Мы летим в Москву через Франкфурт. - We wilI fly to Moscow via Frankfurt.

Мы поедем через центр. - We wilI go through the center. Я приеду через час. - I wilI come in an hour.


The choice of the Accusative or the Prepositional after â and íà is described in Part 6 and in the beginning of this Part.

Below you`ll find the examples which show what nouns and noun groups can combine with these prepositions.

The primary use of prepositions â and íà

â + Acc./Prep. - in, into, inside

Он положил ключ в карман. - He put the key into the pocket. Ключ лежит в кармане. - The key is in the pocket.

íà + Acc./Prep. - on, on to, on top of, on the surface

Я положил ключ íà ñòîë. - I put the key on the table. Ключ лежит на столе. - The key is on the table.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

More complicated use of prepositions â and íà

The preposition â + Acc./Prep. is used with nouns denoting:


Европа, Азия, Америка, Африка, Австралия, Антарктида,

countries: Россия, США, Франция, Великобритания, Германия etc.,

territories and administrative units:

Якутия, Аризона, Московская область, Сибирь, Крым etc.,

towns, various settlements and their parts:

Москва, Нью-Йорк, Лондон, Париж, Шереметьево, Измайлово, Гарлем, центр - center, downtown, пригород - suburbs etc.,

some town and settlement features (objects):

переулок - lane, парк - park, сад - garden, двор - yard etc.,

most of workplaces, public places, organizations and buildings:

школа, парламент, банк, магазин, музей, аэропорт, фирма etc.,

organized groups of people: класс, группа, колхоз, армия, лагерь - camp, отдел - department etc.,

buildings and their parts: здание - building, дом, корпус - building, подъезд - entrance, холл - entrance hall, коридор - corridor, зал - large hall, комната - room, all other names of rooms, класс - classroom, подвал - cellar etc.,

some activity (limited group): отпуск - leave, vacation, командировка - business trip, турпоездка - tourist trip etc.,

some natural features: лес - forest, woods, горы - mountains, hills, тайга - taiga woods etc.,

some mountain ranges, mostly with the Plural names:

Альпы, Гималаи, Карпаты etc.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

The Preposition íà + Acc./Prep. is used with nouns denoting:

islands, some island countries and peninsulas:

Кипр -Cyprus, Куба, Балканы, Гавайи

but Япония - Japan, Исландия - Iceland are used with â

some mountain ranges and territories: Кавказ, Памир, Урал, Алтай etc.,

town and settlement features, some organizations, activity areas:

улица - street, площадь - square, шоссе - highway,

проспект - prospect, avenue, набережная - embankment, бульвар - boulevard

мост - bridge, остановка - stop, station,

станция - (railway) station, стоянка - parking, заправка - filling station, окраина - outskirts, вокзал - railroad station, рынок - market,

почта - post-office, стадион - stadium, склад - warehouse,

стройка - construction site, завод, фабрика - factory, спортплощадка - sports ground, футбольное поле - soccer field, теннисный корт - tennis court,

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar



some events or organized activity -





работа - work,



концерт - concert,



экзамен - exam,



спектакль - performance,


собрание - meeting,

переговоры - negotiations,





день рождения - birthday party,



экскурсия - tour,



óðîê - lesson,





лекция - lecture etc.



some parts of buildings -



чердак - attic,



крыльцо - porch,



лестница - stairs, staircase,



ýòàæ - floor,



балкон - balcony,



some organizational units -



отделение - department,



факультет - faculty,



кафедра - chair,



курсы - course.



Preposition íà is used with the following words:



радио - radio,



телевидение - television,



пенсия - pension, retirement,



родина - motherland,



Ðóñü - Rus,



äà÷à - summer cottage.

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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

Nouns used with both prepositions

Many nouns can be used with both prepositions, but only few of them are used without significant meaning difference:

каникулы - school/university vacation кухня - kitchen

ôëîò - navy

E.g. íà кухне = â кухне

Many nouns are used with both prepositions but with meaning difference:

E.g. vehicles íà автобусе - going by bus

â автобусе - inside a bus

Prepositions èç and ñ as correlated to â and íà

â + Acc.

â+ Prep.

èç + Gen.

from, out of

â+ Acc.

ßеду завтра â Íüþ-Éîðê.

I will go to New York tomorrow.

â+ Prep.

ßáóäó â Нью-Йорке òðè äíÿ.

I will stay for three days in New York.

èç + Gen.

Я вернусь èç Нью-Йорка в воскресенье. I will come back from New York on Sunday.


íà + Acc.

ñ + Gen.








íà + Prep. from, down from




íà + Acc.

íà + Prep.


Я люблю ходить на хоккей.

Вчера я был на хоккее.


I like going to hockey.

I was at hockey yesterday.

ñ+ Gen.

ßвернулся с хоккея поздно.

I came home late from hockey.

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Eugenia Nekrasova

A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

Part 15


Conjunctions are invariable words linking parts of sentences or sentences together in some logical order.

There are two main types of conjunctions:

Coordinating and Subordinating

Coordinating conjunctions










è - and

íî - but

èëè - or

è... è - both, and

à - but

èëè, èëè - either, or

íè... íè - neither, nor



à - and




Connective conjunctions




è - and






Мне надо купить ручку è блокнот.




I have to buy a pen and a pad.



è... è - both... and






Мне надо купить è ручку, è блокнот.




I have to buy both a pen and a pad.





íè.., íè - neither.., nor




Он не приехал íè

вчера, íè сегодня.






He came neither yesterday nor today.




à - and (used in the

beginning of a sentence)






À куда вы сейчас ид¸те? And where are you going now?









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