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A Basic Modern Russian Grammar






approximate time



coll. около двенадцати - about twelve o`clock



time of the day



first part of an hour:



1105, 2305 - пять минут двенадцатого


1130, 2330 - половина двенадцатого



second part of an hour:









в половине двенадцатого






1155, 2355 - áåç ïÿòè двенадцать






The Genitive of Place is used only after prepositions.



It is used to denote the position of an object/person in relation



to another object/person - both stationary and moving.



The following prepositions and adverbial combinations are used here:

около - near

ó - near, at

недалеко от - not far from близко - close to

далеко от - far from

вдали от - far from напротив - opposite


- in the middle of

среди - among

+ Genitive

слева от - to the left from справа от - to the right from впереди - in front of

сзади/позади - behind

внутри - inside снаружи - outside

вокруг - around вдоль - along

попер¸к - across

ìèìî - by, passing by






недалеко от нашего дома - not far from our house


Ìû æèëè у друзей. We stayed at our friends.





Part 6

page 80




The Case Usage

Eugenia Nekrasova

A Basic Modern Russian Grammar

The Genitive is used to denote a place from where the action is directed

(the starting point of motion). The following prepositions are used:

èç, ñ, îò - from a place



+ Genitive

èç-çà - from behind









èç-ïîä - from beneath









Он вернулся из Парижа вчера вечером. He came back from Paris yesterday night.

Я обычно выхожу èç äîìà â 800. I usually leave home at 800.

Он приехал с работы очень поздно. He came from work very late.

Мы ехали от Стокгольма на автобусе. We went from Stockholm by bus.

The Genitive is used to denote distance between two or more objects/ persons or part of the way:

îò + Gen. äî + Gen.

От Москвы до Киева мы ехали всю ночь.

From Moscow to Kiev we were driving the whole night .

After preposition äî the Genitive is used to denote a place of destination:

Как доехать до вокзала? How to get to the railway station?

Сколько (часов) лететь до Лондона?

How long does it take to get to London by air? also

ß íå ìîãó äî âàñ дозвониться. I can`t reach you (by phone).

Part 6

page 81

The Case Usage



A Basic Modern Russian Grammar








The Genitive can be also used after several other prepositions



or in other meanings than described earlier.


Preposition îò is used to denote a sender of an object:

Я получил от Николая письмо.





To denote relation between two objects or phenomena:



êëþ÷ от машины - key to the car (lit. key from the car)





лекарство от аллергии - anti-allergic medicine



Preposition èç-çà is used to denote a reason or a cause:



Я опоздал èç-çà пробки на работу.




I came late to work because of a traffic jam.



Preposition äëÿ means for, meant for:



Это бумага для принтера.



The paper is for the printer.

Preposition èç is used mostly with the following verbs:

делать/сделать èç - to make













изготавливать/изготовить èç -
























































to make, to manifacture, to produce













































строить/построить èç - to build





















варить/сварить èç - to cook






























состоять èç - to consist of
























































шить/сшить èç - to sew


































вязать/связать èç - to knit




















E.g. Ýòîò ÿùèê сделан из дерева.



This box is made of wood.





Эта книга состоит из пяти глав.



This book consists of five chapters.


Part 6

page 82




The Case Usage



A Basic Modern Russian Grammar




Very often the verb is omitted:






The following verbs take the Genitive:




желать - to wish




E.g. Желаю âàì успеха! I wish you succes.



Всего хорошего! All the best to you!


It comes from Желаю âàì всего хорошего!







ждать/подождать - to wait




E.g. Ìû жд¸м вашего ответа. We are waiting for your reply.






не хватать - to lack, to be short of- used only impersonally




E.g. Ìíå не хватает времени. I am short of time.




не хотеть




E.g. Îí не хочет скандала. He does not want any scandal.




Îí не хочет арбуза. He does not want the watermelon.




The Genitive is also used after some other verbs:




бояться - to be afraid of




избегать - to avoid




стесняться - to be shy, to feel uneasy




добиться - to achieve, to gain

доехать до, добраться до - to get to, to reach

стоить - to be worth

взять у - to take from someone спросить у - to ask someone

попросить у - to ask someone to do or give something купить у - to buy something from a person or a company

переводить/перевести с... - to translate from

E.g. Îíà боится собак. She is afraid of dogs. ß спрошу у брата. I`ll ask my brother. Íàäî перевести с английского.

You have to translate it from English.

Part 6

page 83

The Case Usage