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VIII. Make up sentences so as to use the infinitive as predicative.

  1. The meal, to have consisted, was, of friend steak and potatoes.

  2. I meant, was, the last thing, to offend you.

  3. Our plan, the work in time, to finish, was

  4. An experienced doctor, was, the next move, to consult, he had made.

  5. The only thing, where he could stay for a night, was, he wanted, to find the place.

  6. Your next task, the results, to check up, of the observation, is

  7. I meant, was, the last thing, to offend you

  8. Every success, and, I have come for, is, to wish you, what, to congratulate you

  9. My parents, what, is, should do, to understand me.

  10. To invite all of them, was, my original idea, to the party.

  11. Combine the sentences so as to use the infinitives. Use “too” or “enough”.

Model: Mr. Blake is very old. He can’t work. - Mr. Blake is too old to work.

  1. My sister is still young. She can’t play in the yard alone.

  2. He doesn’t earn much. He can’t buy it.

  3. He was very late. He didn’t catch the train.

  4. She was very far. She couldn’t see what they were doing.

  5. You are clever. You can answer my question.

  6. He is rather strong. He can climb up this mountain.

  7. He is well now. He can attend classes.

  8. The water in the lake is very cold. I can’t bathe.

  9. The apple you gave me is so sour. I can’t eat it.

  10. My cousin plays the guitar well. He can give a concert.

  11. It is so foggy today. I can’t drive the car there.

  12. The weather is warm. We can go out.

X. Paraphrase the following using a noun instead of the underlined verb with the infinitive as attribute, make all necessary changes.

Model: I don't want to change my mind. - I have no desire to change my mind.

  1. He offered to help us but we refused.

  2. They demand to be regularly informed and you'll have to company with it.

  3. I was surprised that he refused to go there.

  4. I don't intend to offend you.

  5. He was permitted to attend the lecture.

  6. I remember you promised to visit your sick friend.

  7. She attempted to enter the University.

  8. I told him that I am firmly determined to find out the truth.

  9. The trainer instructed the drivers to examine their cars before the competition.

  10. The teacher permitted the pupils to leave the classroom.

  11. Combine the sentences into one using the infinitives with post-posed preposition as attributes.

Model: I have the family. I must look after my wife and son. - I have the family to look after.

  1. I have a friend. I can rely on him.

  2. You have a dog. You must take care of it.

  3. She has a plan. She must insist on it.

  4. We have an idea. We must think it over.

  5. He is a hard person. It's difficult to deal with him.

  6. It's an interesting idea. You must pay attention on it.

  7. It's a beautiful picture. You can look at it.

  8. He is an interesting person. You should speak to him.

  9. I have a new music tape. You can listen to it.

10. She told me some news. You must think about it.

  1. Make up sentences using the following infinitive phrases as parenthesis.

1. to be quite frank;

  1. to tell the truth;

  2. to start with;

  3. to make a long story short;

  4. to be more exact;

  5. to go into particulars;

  6. to say the least;

  7. not to mention;

  8. to put it mildly;

  9. so to speak;

  1. Translate into English using the infinitive in different functions.

  2. Повторение пройденного материала будет вам полезно.

  3. Я встал рано, чтобы не опоздать на электричку.

  4. Где вы научились так хорошо говорить по-английски?

  5. Вот человек, с которым можно поговорить на эту тему.

  6. Все, что он хочет - это успешно сдать экзамены.

  7. Эта книга слишком большая, чтобы прочитать ее за один день.

  8. На этот вопрос не так уж легко ответить.

  9. Он попросил, чтобы ему дали прочесть это письмо.

  10. Бесполезно разговаривать с ней об этом.

  11. Одна мысль о ее появлении приводила его в трепет.

  12. Мы не должны оставлять его одного.

  13. Я научилась так хорошо говорить по-английски, когда жила в Лондоне.

  14. Он начал изучать информатику еще в школе.

  15. Она взяла с собой зонтик, чтобы не промокнуть.

  16. У нее нет никого, кто бы помог ей в трудную минуту.

  17. Он достаточно талантлив, чтобы сделать это открытие.

  18. Мы первыми узнали о ее провале.

  19. Он был груб если не сказать больше.

  20. Он наклонился вперед, как будто хотел обнять меня.

  21. Знать английские слова не означает говорить на английском языке.

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