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IV. Open the brackets using the correct form of participles.

  1. (read) half the book, he fell asleep.

  2. The wind (come) from the North was bitterly cold.

  3. She didn’t pay any attention to the (ring) telephone.

  4. (reach) for the sugar, she upset a cup of coffee.

  5. They sat around the fire (stare) at it in silence.

  6. I noticed him give her a (surprise) look.

  7. In the middle of the night he woke up (shake) with cold.

  8. She opened the telegram with (shake) fingers.

  9. He wants to have his luggage (pick up) on the way to the station.

  10. I don’t really see what can be done about the (ruin) picture.

  11. The path (lead) to the house was covered with yellow leaves.

  12. He walked out of the room, (leave) the door open.

  13. The were worrying about the child (leave) alone the house.

  14. (look) forward to that moment for a long time, he felt the pleasure now that it had arrived.

  15. Why not throw away the (break) sunglasses, we are not likely to repair them.

  16. While waiting for a flight at the airport a passenger can have his hair (cut), his suit (press), shoes (shine).

  17. (not to find) me in the postman left the parcel with my next-door neighbours.

  18. “I don’t know if I see what you mean”, she said with a (hurt) expression.

  19. (remember) the episode I couldn’t help laughing.

  20. He walked along the street with his collar (turn) up, hand in pockets.

V. Replace the clauses by the constructions with participles.

  1. He didn’t like the girls who smoked cigarettes.

  2. When he had got what he wanted he took his hat and went away.

  3. The answer that had so long been expected came at last.

  4. As he is very unambitious he is satisfied with what he has.

  5. When she arrived at the hotel she found the telegram awaiting her.

  6. A the conference they discussed new methods which were used in teaching.

  7. The opinions that were expressed by the scientists were greatly different.

  8. When he arrived at the airport he found out that his flight was delayed.

  9. As I haven’t learnt the material well I’m afraid I can’t pass the exam.

  10. When the flowers were put into water they opened their petals.

  11. He said it as if he was thinking aloud.

  12. Though she was greatly impressed by his words she kept her feelings inside.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English using participles in different functions.

  1. Я пришел сюда, надеясь на твою помощь.

  2. Она спускалась по тропинке, ведущей к озеру.

  3. Они увидели великолепный дворец, построенный в готическом стиле.

  4. Пуаро обратил внимание на человека, ведущего себя подозрительно.

  5. Зная его с детства, я никогда не слышал, чтобы кто-то говорил о нем без уважения.

  6. В комнате наступила полная тишина, прерываемая лишь тиканьем часов.

  7. Оставшись одна, она долго не могла прийти в себя.

  8. Конференция, проходившая в университете, была посвящена проблемам образования.

  9. Говоря о данной проблеме, следует особо упомянуть те исследования, которые сейчас проводятся нашими учеными.

  10. Достигнув определенного положения в обществе, ей не к чему было больше стремиться.

  11. Я не могу забыть историю, рассказанную им.

  12. Упаковав все вещи, мы вызвали такси и поспешили на вокзал.

  13. Хотя доклад был посвящен узкой проблеме, он заинтересовал не только специалистов.

  14. Поскольку в статье было много специальных терминов, ее не легко было понять.

  15. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось легким.

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