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  1. Find the For-to-Infinitive constructions in the following sentences. Define the functions of the constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  2. The boss ordered for him to come in.

  3. It was easy for her to enter the University.

  4. Do you want something for Jack Frost to gift you?

  5. What I want is for you to understand my idea.

  6. There is no need for us to stay here any longer..

  7. Send a telegram for us to be met by anyone.

  8. He waited at the receiver for her to answer his call.

  9. It is impossible for him not to believe you.

  10. The weather was too bad for us to go to the country.

  11. The offer was not good enough for us to accept it.

  12. She has a very good memory. You have to recite a poem only once for her to keep it in mind.

  13. It’s high time for you to brush up upon your knowledge.

  14. That is for me to choose.

  15. My parents are anxious for me to find a good job.

II. Construct For-to-Infinitive constructions using words in brackets in the appropriate form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The simplest thing is for (he, to come and see) everything for himself.

  2. Don’t you find it odd for (she, to keep) it a secret so long?

  3. It is not necessary for (I, to explain) that we are sisters.

  4. The text was easy enough for (we, to read) it without a dictionary.

  5. I waited for some time for (he, to speak).

  6. The foreigner was speaking too fast for (I, to understand) him.

  7. Are you ready for (I, to marry) you?

  8. It would be nice for (she, to come back) home after such a long trip.

  9. He had a very nice house for (she, to live in).

  10. She was impatient for (he, to tell)her the whole story.

  1. Complete the following sentences so as to use For-to-Infinitive constructions.

  2. The best thing for you ...

  3. I am very anxious for ..

  4. It is advisable for ..

  5. There is no need ..

  6. The idea was not clear enough for ...

  7. It’s time for me ..

  8. He expressed his wish for ...

  9. Do you find it possible for ..

  10. His suggestion was for ...

  11. We waited for ..

  1. Respond to the following questions using For-to-Infinitive constructions.

Model: Whom is she waited for? - She is waited for her parents to arrive.

  1. Why is it so necessary for you to go there?

  2. Why is it so important for me to study languages?

  3. Who told you to wait for us to come?

  4. Why do you think it’ll be better for her to go to the seaside?

  5. When is it time for me to call you?

  6. Why is it time for you to trust this man?

  7. Wouldn’t it be better for us to learn more about each other?

  8. Why is it impossible for you to attend all the classes?

  9. What does she seem to be waiting for?

  10. Would it be pleasant for you to accompany me?

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use For-to-Infinitive constructions instead of the subordinate clauses.

Model: It is quite natural that he should act like this. - It’s quite natural for him to act like this.

  1. It’s impossible that he should be such a lier.

  2. The main thing is that we should work together.

  3. Let us wait till they arrive.

  4. This is a lesson which you shall remember for the rest of your life.

  5. He is just the man whom you should trust.

  6. I shall leave the book that you may read it.

  7. The ice has become too thin, so the boys can’t go skating.

  8. That a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality is something extraordinary.

  9. This artist must be very talented since the museums have bought some of his paintings.

  10. Why be so anxious that he should come to your party?

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian using For-to-Infinitive constructions.

  2. Она ждет, что ее дочка придет из школы.

  3. Он уже согласился, и теперь было уже поздно менять решение.

  4. Он отошел в сторону, чтобы я могла пройти.

  5. Мне трудно понять твои поступки.

  6. Матери очень хотелось, чтобы ее сыну удалось все, что он пожелает.

  7. Ты должен был разобраться в этой истории.

  8. Ее взгляд был достаточно выразительным, чтобы я разгадал ее намерения.

  9. Она протянула мне руку, чтобы я мог помочь ей.

  10. Есть кое-что, что вы могли бы сделать.

  11. У нее много интересных идей, которые мы могли бы обсудить.

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