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Nightwork (by I. Shaw) An Extract

Figure out my life. I had plenty of time to do it. As I drove south, down the entire East Coast of America, I was alone, unfettered, free of claims, with no distractions, plunged in that solitude that is supposed to be the essential condition of philosophic speculation. There was Par Minot’ s cause and effect to be considered; also not to be overlooked was the maxim I had been taught in England lit courses that your character was your fate, that your rewards and failures were the result of your faults and virtues. In Lord Jim, a boy I must have read at least five times since I was a boy, the hero is killed eventually because of a flaw in himself that that permitted him to leave a shipload of poor beggars to die. He plays for his cowardice in the end by being killed himself. I had always thought it just, fair, inevitable. At the wheel of the little Volkswagen, speeding down the great highways past Washington and Richmond and Savannah, I remembered Lord Jim. But it no longer convinced me. I certainly was not flawless, but, at least in my opinion, I had been a decent son, an honorable friend, conscientious in my profession, law-abiding, careful to avoid cruelty or spite, inciting no man to be me enemy, indifferent to power, abhorring violence. I had never seduced a woman - or cheated a shopkeeper, had not struck a fellow human being since a fight an the schoolyard at the age of ten. I had definitely never left anyone to die. Yet ... Yet there had been that morning in Dr. Ryan’s office..

Test yourselves

  1. Use the infinitives in the brackets in the proper form

  2. I'd like (to help) you with your tasks.

  3. I'd hardly (to believe) it.

  4. He made up his mind (to have) another talk with her.

  5. You shouldn't have let him (to get) away like that.

  6. He (to happen) (to look) away at the moment.

  7. It (to seem) they couldn't promise (to make) it so terrible early.

  8. It was a little difficult (to know) how (to begin).

  9. I saw a woman (to come) towards him.

  10. He (to prove) to be a famous doctor.

  11. I (to be likely) not (to pass) my exams.

  12. He (to consider) (to be) the best singer in the group.

  13. I make them (to do) this task very quickly

  14. I can't (to seem to find) out exactly what happened.

  15. It (to suppose) (to be) the only house left.

  1. Complete the following so as to use infinitive and infinitive constructions.

  2. The best thing for you ...…

  3. She saw 2 of the girls...…

  4. The weather appears ...…

  5. They might be made... …

  6. It's not for her ...…

  7. He liked to see people... …

  8. The train was seen ...…

  9. He was sure... …

  10. I feel as if... …

  11. It was as if ...…

  12. It is necessary that... …

  13. I let them... …

  14. It would be possible for... …

  15. She fears lest... …

  16. It is desirable that ...…

  17. Her wish was ...…

  18. He desires that... …

  19. He looked as if ...…

  20. It is obligatory that ...…

  1. Insert particle "to" before the infinitive where required.

  2. I don't think you need ...… worry about it.

  3. She prefers...… be somewhere else.

  4. She watched his hands... … move as if they were about ...… reach out and touch something.

  5. He promised ...… let me... … go if our marriage was not a success.

  6. I'd rather.... … see the cases myself.

  7. What made him ...… change his mind doesn't matter.

  8. I saw him... … turn to her and say something.

  9. I'd like ...… help him sing.

  10. Why not ...… start out now?

  11. I've never known him... … do such things.

  12. I know him ...… have been an actor once.

  13. He moved sooner ...… die than ....… betray his friends.

  14. He was made ...… do his work himself.

  15. I'll have him ...… tell the truth.

  16. Have you ever heard him ...… complain of difficulties.

  1. Define the function of the infinitive, translate the sentences into Russian.

  2. It is dangerous to go out late at night.

  3. To have seen him dance was very unusual.

  4. I'm too excited to be quiet.

  5. The waiter knocked and came in to take away the tray.

  6. We have forgotten to inform him about her arrival.

  7. I left my office to go out to lunch.

  8. There were instructions to be carried out.

  9. He saw no necessary to say such things.

  10. Jane was the last to have found out about it.

  11. I was too astonished to say something.

  12. He was gentleman enough to keep silence.

  13. He was nothing to be done about it.

  14. We were not afraid to speak in public.

  15. She looked at him as if to hate him.

  16. He left the village, never to come back.

  17. To put it mildly, you are wrong.

  1. Translate from Russian into English, using infinitive constructions.

  2. Я хочу, чтобы ты помог ему.

  3. Меня заставили поверить в это.

  4. Моя обязанность предупредить тебя об опасности.

  5. Казалось, что вечер ему понравился.

  6. Мы видели, что студенты разговаривали с деканом.

  7. Этот фильм, вероятно, будет показан на следующей неделе.

  8. Все считают ее умной и трудолюбивой.

  9. Ему трудно говорить об этом.

  10. Самое лучшее, что ты можешь сделать, это сказать правду.

  11. Лучше бы вы этого не делали.

  12. Я вышел из дома, чтобы прогуляться в парке.

  13. Мне не легко избавиться от этой привычки.

  14. Мои друзья наверняка помогут мне в беде.

  15. Иди и скажи ему, что я желаю поговорить с ним.

  16. Они случайно встретились на улице.

  17. Известно, что многие люди летом уезжают на море.

  18. Я слышал, как она поет.

  19. Она ждала, что кто-нибудь подойдет и утешит ее.

  20. Я уверена, что вам понравится эта выставка.

  21. Я хочу, чтобы он навестил меня.

  1. Translate into English, using infinitive in different functions.

  2. Было желательно, чтобы они не опаздывали на занятия.

  3. У меня такое чувство, как будто я не готов к зачету.

  4. Он настаивал, чтобы они остались на ужин.

  5. Жаль, что я не студентка.

  6. Она боится, что не сдаст экзамен.

  7. Необходимо повторить материал.

  8. Ее единственным желанием было поступить в институт.

  9. Она жалела, что не свободна и не может поехать с ним.

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