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VI. Define the type of participle constructions in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. John admired her playing the violin. 2. They’ve got me cornered. 3. The door of the room being open. 4. It being hot, we went to the beach. 5. The tourists were seen climbing the mountains. 6. I had my linen washed in the laundry. 7. The students sat in a big room, with the teacher delivering the lecture. 8. Circumstances permitting, we shall go abroad next year. 9. I consider him involved in this shady deal. 10. He could fell her tears dropping on his shoulder.

VII. Find absolute constructions without a participle in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Dinner over, the children immediately went to bed. 2. He missed her greatly, his heart full of melancholy. 3. He stood in the room, his cap in his hands. 4. I found her ready and looking at me, with a bunch of flowers in her hands. 5. She was sitting in the table, with her back towards the door.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English, using participial constructions.

1. Я люблю слушать, как птицы поют в саду. 2. Он медленно шел по улице, и его тяжелые шаги эхом раздавались в тишине. 3. Я наблюдал, как воробьи купались в луже. 4. Бабушка сидела на диване, а котенок свернулся калачиком у нее на коленях. 5. Слышали, как они что-то бурно обсуждали. 6. Если погода будет благоприятной, мы начнем раскопки завтра. 7. Так как вечер был прохладный, мы решили остаться дома. 8. Прохожие видели, как полицейские преследовали преступника. 9. Было слышно, как в соседней комнате работал телевизор. 10. Вы можете заказать себе одежду за границей.

IX. Read the extract from the novel.

  1. Find sentences with participles. Define their functions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  2. Find sentences with participial constructions. Define the type of the construction. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  3. Translate the hole extract into Russian.

  4. Retell the extract so as to use as many participles and constructions as possible.

The Earth And All It Holds”

by V.J. Banis (An Extract)

Not even the Barbary Coast was immune to the special glow of Christmas. Indeed, the tawdry and often tragic circumstances in which its inhabitants lived seemed to lend a special poignancy to the season. Children begged a few pennies ‘for the sake of the dear Lord’, and woman who seldom ventured out in the light of day could be seen bustling from shop to stall, their arms loaded with gaily wrapped packages and their faces aglow with childlike pleasure. From the churches further uptown the bells pealed their special songs, and hardy bands of carolers invaded the saloons themselves, often leaving with their hats filled with coins.

Jolene found herself looking back with awe on the events of the past twelve months. It had been a year ago New Year’s Eve, at her parents’ house, that she and Philip had announced their engagement. How long ago it seemed!

Test I

I. Define the function of Participles. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. It was a pleasant room overlooking the garden.

  2. Turning to his sister, he grasped her hand.

  3. I was sitting at the desk for a long time, lost in thought.

  4. Embarrassed he didn’t know what to say.

  5. Coming out of the dinning-room, we met other people.

  6. He shook his head in a dissatisfied manner.

  7. The people surrounding him were his friends.

  8. Having reached the classroom, she become the object of many questions.

  9. The boy was punished because of a broken cup.

  10. While waiting for her, he watched the people passing by.

  11. He stood immovable, attracted by her beauty.

  12. Though punished, he didn’t feel guilty.

  13. Generally speaking, I didn’t believe him.

  14. She stood as if thinking about thinking.

  15. The flowers faded, being kept without water for a long time.

  1. Define the type of the participle construction. Translate the sentences from English to Russian.

  2. He could hear her playing piano.

  3. They were heard discussing that problem.

  4. She had her test written.

  5. This duty completed, he had three months’ leave.

  6. The chief wants his stuff done everything in time.

  7. It being very late, we left the party.

  8. They were walking along the street, with John speaking loudly.

  9. He looked at her, his heart full of strange emotion.

  10. The old man spoke with me, with his pipe in his mouth.

  11. I consider him involved in this love-affair.

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