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VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the gerund and gerundial constructions.

1. Прогулки в лесу очень полезны. 2. Когда вы закончите ссориться? 3. Ты не возражаешь, если я ей все расскажу? 4. Его пение стоит послушать. 5. Ребенку бесполезно объяснять подобные вещи. 6. Новый метод обучения был очень продуктивным. 7. Я против, чтобы ты вмешивался в это дело. 8. Он вошел в кабинет, не дожидаясь разрешения. 9. Просматривая газету, он наткнулся на интересный заголовок. 10. Мы бы до сих пор не пришли к соглашению, если бы он не был таким уступчивым. 11. Услышав крик о помощи, все бросились на улицу. 12. Было мало надежды на то, что он поправиться. 13. Я не настаиваю на твоем возвращении. 14. Ему нравится коллекционировать марки. 15. Вы не можете отправить эти вещи без соответствующей упаковки.

VII. Make up your own sentences using the following phrases with the gerund: cannot help smiling, to miss an opportunity of attending, to give up the idea of visiting, not to like the idea of coming, to look forward to participating, to be guilty of having said, to be proud of being accepted, to be worth playing.

Add some phrases of the same kind and make up your own sentences or situations.

VIII. Form predicative constructions with the gerund out of the elements in brackets.

1. I did not ask her what kept (she, to think) about her past. 2. It’s not good (you, to spend) so much time working. 3. I couldn’t stop (she, to come here). 4. Will you object to (me, to accompany) you to the party. 5. You are to blame for (I, to miss) the train. 6. There was still a chance of (Mary, to come). 7. He disapproves of (women, to smoke) in the street. 8. You don’t seem to mind (they, to be) late. 9. What is the reason of (he, to behave) in such a way. 10. I was awakened by the sound of (someone, to shore).

IX. State whether the -ing-form is the gerund or the verbal noun. Explain your reasons. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Everyone can make his own living by working hard. 2. On seeing her article in the newspaper, I could come to the understanding of its idea. 3. We were very close to a beginning of new relations without noticing it. 4. The might was so quiet that we could hear the rustling of the leaves. 5. The most striking thing about her was her sense of humour. 6. He hadn’t time for worrying about the weather. 7. The meeting was very useful without saying more. 8. Does this word have any other meaning? 9. The artist has finished painting the picture. 10. The painting of this artist are beautiful.

X. Read an extract from the novel.

  1. Define the type of the -ing-forms. Prove your reasons.

  2. State the functions of the -ing-forms.

  3. Translate the sentences the -ing-formed words into Russian.

  4. Translate the whole extract into Russian.

  5. Retell the extract using gerunds, participles and verbal-nouns.

Nightwork” by Irwin Shaw

(An Extract)

At dinner that night, there were only four of us. Lily, Eunice, Fabian, and myself. As unostentatiously as possible, I kept studying Eunice, trying to imagine what it would be like sitting across the breakfast table from her ten years from now, twenty years from now. Imagining sharing a bottle of port with her without, who hunted three times a week. Standing at the baptismal font with her, as our children were christened. Miles Fabian as godfather? Visiting our son at what it would be - Eton? All I knew about English public schools had been gleaned from books by men like Kipling, Waugh, Orwell, Connolly. I decided against Eton.

The few days of skiing had given Eunice’s complexion a pretty flush, summery colors. She was wearing a figured silk dress that clung to her figure. Buxom today, would she be stately later? The old saw had it, as Fabian had pointed out, that it was just as easy to love a rich girl as a poor one. But was it?

The sight and sound of her and Lily surrounded by lolling, arrogant young men (at least they seemed so to me) at the table with the magnum of champagne on it had made me flee from the bar. There was no denying that she was a pretty girl, and there would undoubtedly always be young men of that caliber and class in attendance. How would I take that if she were my wife?


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