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English for managers.doc
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2) Произнесите английские эквиваленты:

Ценообразование; продвижение; создавать обмен; двойной процесс; передавать права собственности; покупать; покупатель; комплекс элементов (компонентов) маркетинга; распределение; целевой рынок; соответствовать; согласовываться; соответствующий; подходящий; упаковка; гарантия; скидка с исходной цены; максимально увеличивать прибыль; скидка; уступка; хранение; посредник; реклама; рекламирование; оповещение; исследование рынка; прогнозировать продажи; предсказывать подход; метод.

4. Выберите и переведите синонимы:

- discount, store, rebate;

- predict, monitor, forecast;

- car, vehicle, packaging, automobile.

5. Переведите существительные:

Individual, subordinate, client, user, proprietor, executive, intermediary.

Речевые упражнения

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What is marketing?

  2. What kind of process is marketing?

  3. What does marketing conception include?

  4. What does market consist of?

  5. Define (определите) the term a marketing mix?

  6. What are the ingredients of a marketing mix?

  7. What is marketing strategy?

  8. What is a target market?

  9. What methods are used forecasting?

6. Используйте вопросы как план высказывания по теме “Marketing

Mодуль 8.

Контроль усвоения лексики и грамматики.

Контроль умений перевода со словарем текстов по специальности.

Формирование умений просмотрового чтения текстов по специальности.

Занятие 16.

1. Выполните 40 заданий теста за 60 минут, не пользуясь словарем или справочником по грамматике.

1 - 7. Read the text and fill in the gaps with one of the words given below.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами, приведенными ниже.

We wish to __1__ two lawyers who will work as part of a team of 36 exceptionally talented individuals. Reporting di­rectly to an Executive Director these individuals must demon­strate initiative, self-motivation, __2__ commercial__2__ and a readiness to learn as well as a desire to progress.

Appropriate __3__ must be qualified __4__ who have gained some experience in banking/finance related work. Knowledge of the Financial Services Act or experience of working in an investment bank would be an __5__.

This constitutes a unique opportunity for a lawyer to devel­op his or her skills within a dynamic and truly international en­vironment.

Interested applicants should write, enclosing a full __6__, to Fiona Campbell at the address below. All applications will, of course, be __7__ in the strictest __7__.

a) sound judgment - разумное суждение;

b) reference - поручительство;

c) advantage - преимущество;

d) applicants - податели заявлений;

e) lawyers - юристы;

f) to recruit - нанимать;

g) to treated in confidence - относиться конфиденциально.

8. Choose the correct sentence according to the text.

Выберите предложение, соответствующее тексту.

a) Appropriate applicants must be women named Fiona;

b) Appropriate applicants must be qualified lawyers;

c) Appropriate applicants must be 36 years old.

9. Which of the following is not true?

Выберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста.

a) The lawyers must demonstrate initiative and readiness to progress;

b) The lawyers must have some experience in banking;

c) The lawyers must learn to be talented.

10. In the text the word “individual” means:

В тексте это слово означает:

a) private; b) a person; c) egoistic.

11 - 19. Distribute the words from the text into 3 groups according to the part of speech.

Распределите слова на 3 группы в соответствии с частью речи.

(существительное прилагательное наречие)

1) Nouns. 2) Adjectives 3) Adverbs.

a) directly; b) motivation; c) readiness; d) commercial; e) exceptionally;

f) experience; g) dynamic; h) judgment; i) finance.

20 – 22. In the text find Participles II (3) used as attributes (определения).

Translate them into Russian.

Найдите в тексте три причастия II в функции определения и переведите словосочетания.

Model: a developed market - развитый рынок.

23 – 25. Find three sentences with modal verbs and translate them into Russian.

Найдите три предложения с модальными глаголами и переведите их.

26 - 28. Choose the correct form of the verb.

Выберите правильную форму глагола.

26. If they…more time, they…us more often. a) have / will visit;

b) have / would visit ;

c) will have / will visit;

27. As soon as the weather…fine, we’ll go to the country. a) was; b) is; c) will be.

28. The letter … yesterday a) written; b) is written; c) was written.

29. Choose the correct variant of translating.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

Ему читали книгу по вечерам.

a) He reads a book in the evening.

b) He was reading a book when I came.

c) He was read a book in the evening.

30 – 32. Match the positions to the areas of responsibility.

Покажите соответствие должности и обязанностей.

30. resident; a) solving day-to-day problems;

31. division manager;. b) developing tactical plans ;

32. office manager. с) determining the firm’s strategy.

33 – 35. Match the skills to their definitions.

Сопоставьте названия навыков и их суть.

33. an analytical skill; a) developing the firm’s major policy;

34. an interpersonal skill; b) determining the causes of problems;

35. a conceptual skill. c) understanding the needs and motives of people;

36 – 40. Read text quickly and choose the correct sentences according to the text.

Быстро прочтите текст и выберите предложения, соответствующие тексту.


Sometimes firms are in trouble. It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms in order to save a firm:

1. There is no real plan for the future. The company is simply reacting to events as they occur. For example, the company depends entirely on one supplier and has not found an alternative supplier in case the first one is closed or goes bankrupt.

2. There is a chronic shortage of working capital. Payments to suppliers are often delayed.

3. Employee' morale is low.

4. Profits are low or non-existent because sales are weak or costs are higher than expected.

5. There is a lack of timely and adequate management infor­mation; intra-company communications are poor.

6. Orders from major customers are lost and no effort is made to find or correct the cause.

7. Executives work overtime but never catch up with their workload. Foremen have so many petty day-to-day problems that they have no time to plan better working procedures.

8. Pricing is done by guess work instead of by good cost ac­counting.

9. There is far more wastes left after production than in other plants with similar operations.

10. There is too much reworking of products as a result of poor work along the assembly line.

36. a)The company depends on many suppliers;

b) The company depends on one supplier;

c) The company does not need any supplier;

37. a) There is a chronic shortage of employees;

b) There is a chronic shortage of managers;

c) There is a chronic shortage of working capital.

38. a) Orders from major customs are numerous;

b) Orders from major customs are lost;

c) Orders from major customs are discussed.

39. a) Pricing is done by guesswork;

b) Pricing is done by good cost accounting;

c) Pricing is not done at all.

40. a) The profits are low because products are bad;

b) The profits are low because of corruption;

c) The profits are low because costs are higher than expected.

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