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English for managers.doc
2.16 Mб

Предтекстовые лексические упражнения

1. Переведите интернациональные слова по теме:

Marketing; conception; industrial market; element; combination; ingredient; segment; segmentation; brand; to maximize; to classify; model; transportation; selection; potential; characteristic;

2. Повторите и запомните новые слова и устойчивые выражения по теме (незнакомые слова и выражения выделите):

pric­ing (n, g) – ценообразование

promotion (n) – продвижение

to create exchange – создавать обмен

satisfy (v) – удовлетворять

dual process – двойной процесс

process (v) – обрабатывать

to transfer the ownership – передавать права собственности

buy (bought, bought) = purchase - покупать

buyer (n) – покупатель

desire (n) - желание

a marketing mixкомплекс элементов (компонентов) маркетинга

distribution - распределение

target market – целевой рынок

vary (v) – менять

suit (v) – соответствовать, согласовываться

suitable (a) - соответствующий, подходящий

vehicle (v) - транспортное средство

packaging (n, g) - упаковка

warran­ty [worәnti](n) – гарантия

discount (n) – скидка с исходной цены

to maximize profit - максимально увеличивать прибыль

rebate (n) – скидка, уступка

boost (v) - ускорять

low (a) - низкий

sales (n) – продажи

store (v) - хранить

storage (n) - хранение

intermediary [intәm'i:diәri](n) - посредник

advertis­ing (n, g) – реклама, рекламирование

publicity (n) – оповещение, реклама

maintain (v) - поддерживать

market measurement – исследование рынка

to forecast sales– прогнозировать продажи

predict (v) - предсказывать

approach [ә'prout∫](n) – подход, метод

similar (a) – похожий, сходный

internal data – данные по внутренней деятельности

external (a) - внешний

3. Переведите цепочку существительных:

con­sumer market; industrial markets; marketing mix; firm’s target market; market segments; product’s design; brand name; base prices; pricing decisions; distribution ingredient; auto sales;

marketing strategy; organi­zation’s resources; market segmentation approach; market segment;

market measurement; sales forecasting; sales potential; product sales; marketing research; marketing information system; marketing decision making.

4. Переведите выражения с Participle II в функции определения (страдательным причастием с суф. –онн, -анн, -енн, с окончаниями –мый, -ный, тый):

market segments based on age and income; rebates offered by manufactur­ers, strategy developed to boost low sales.

Чтение текста

5. Переведите текст устно. Найдите и переведите предложения:

c Simple Passive в абзацах № 2, 3, 4, 8;

с инфинитивом в роли обстоятельства цели в абзацах № 1, 4, 5, 6, 8;

с герундием в абзацах № 1, 2;

с модальным глаголом и степенями сравнения прилагательных в абзаце № 4;

с парным союзом в абзаце № 5 (см. грамматические пояснения после текста).


1. One of the areas of management is marketing. Marketing is the process of planning and implementing the conception, pric­ing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

2. Any business organization is involved in a dual process of satis­fying customer needs and achieving organizational goals. Marketing makes products available by transferring the ownership of products to buyers. Implementation of marketing conception includes determining what customers need, and evaluating how well the firm can meet those needs.

3. A market consists of people with their needs, the ability to buy, and the desire and ability to sell. Markets are classified as con­sumer and industrial markets.

4. A business firm controls four important elements of marketing which are called a marketing mix. It is the combination of the product, the price of the product, the means for its distribution, and the promo­tion of the product to reach a firm’s target market. A firm can vary its marketing mix by changing one or more of these ingredients to suit the organizational goals, marketing goals, and target market. For example, most automakers produce several different types of vehicles and aim them at different market segments based on age and income.

5. 1)The product ingredient of the marketing mix includes deci­sions about the product’s design, brand name, packaging, warran­ties, and the like. 2) The pricing ingredient includes both base prices and dis­counts of various kinds. Pricing decisions are intended to maximize profit or even to make room for new models. The rebates offered by automobile manufactur­ers are a pricing strategy developed to boost low auto sales. 3) The distribution ingredient involves not only transportation and storage but also the selection of intermediaries. 4) The promotion ingredient focuses on providing information to target markets. The major forms of promotion include advertis­ing and publicity.

6. A marketing strategy is a plan for the best use of an organi­zation’s resources to reach its objectives. Developing a market­ing strategy involves selecting and analyzing a target market and creating and maintaining a marketing mix that will satisfy that market.

7. A target market is chosen through the market segmentation approach. A market segment is a group of individuals or organiza­tions within a market that have similar characteristics and needs. The market segmentation approach directs a marketing mix at a segment of a market.

8. Market measurement and sales forecasting are used to esti­mate sales potential and predict product sales in specific market segments. Strategies are then monitored and evaluated through marketing research and marketing information system, which stores and processes internal and external data in a form suitable for marketing decision making (2500).

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