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2126 ТП2010-2-209 Жарикова.doc
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I. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму Ved в различных конструкциях. A Computer System

A computer is an electronic device used for processing data. The processed data is converted into useful information. Any computer is controlled by programmed instructions, the purpose of which is to tell the computer what to do.

There are different kinds of computers. They generally include mainframes, personal computers or desktops, laptops, palmtops, iPads and tiny computers built into appliances.

A complete computer system consists of hardware, software and data.

The mechanical devices that represent the computer itself are called hardware. Hardware includes interconnected electronic devices as well. Hardware performs the computer’s operation, input and output.

Software is a set of electronic instructions named a program. The programs make the computer perform tasks. Some programs exist for computer’s use and help the computer manage its own resources. Other types of programs exist for users and enable people to perform different tasks, for example create documents.

Each computer stores not only programs. Data which can consist of letters, numbers, sounds or images must be also stored in it. When data is entered into a computer the computer transforms it into digits. The computer manipulates data according to the instructions contained in the software.

II. Выделите из текста общую информацию о компьютере и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. What kind of device is a computer?

  2. What is it used for?

  3. What are the kinds of computers?

III. Выделите из текста информацию о компьютерной системе и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. What does a computer system consist of?

  2. What does hardware include?

  3. What is the purpose of hardware?

  4. What does software represent?

  5. What are the tasks of software?

  6. What can data consist of?

  7. In what form is data used in the computer?

IV. Изучите речевые модели для описания объектов в следующих ситуациях.

  1. Представление объекта.

  2. Состав объекта.

  3. Типы, виды, части объекта.

  4. Назначение объекта.

  5. Любые действия объекта.

Речевые модели для описания объекта

  1. T he representation of an object.

  1. T he structure of an object.

  1. Types, kinds, parts of an object.

such as

There are some (two…) types (kinds) They are

We have parts These are

for example

такие как

Имеется несколько типов (видов) Это

Мы имеем частей Это


  1. The purpose of an object.

1 .

N (It) is for Ving используется

+ used - Объект(ы) для чего-то

Ns (They) are to V используются

2 .





he purpose
Ving Назначение

The function of the N(s) + is - Функция

The task to V Задача

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