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2126 ТП2010-2-209 Жарикова.doc
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I. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык. Выделите в тексте предложения, содержащие оборот «сложное подлежащее». Application Software

The system software is known to exist mostly for the benefit of the computer. Other programs are required to make the computer useful for people. Programs that help people accomplish specific tasks are referred to as application software. Application software has been written to do almost every task, from word processing to performing complex mathematical calculations.

The relationship between the application software and the system software can be compared with the relationship between electric light and electric power plant. The electric power plant produces electricity while electric light performs a service the user desires.

Multiple application programs are sometimes packaged together. Microsoft office and Open Office.org which package together a words processor, a spreadsheet and several other applications are typical examples. The separate applications in a package normally have a similar user interface, making it easier for everybody to learn and use them. The applications often may have some capability to interact with each other in the ways beneficial to the user. For instance, a spreadsheet might be able to be embedded in a word processor document even though it had been created in the separate spreadsheet application.

Application software can be divided into several categories.

General-purpose programs handle tasks common to many users. They include word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, databases. They include software packages as well.

Business programs update master files. They also support various business functions of a company, namely accounting, marketing, production, management and so on.

Intelligent applications focus on expanding the role of the computer beyond the traditional data processing functions, for instance decision support software, expert software, artificial intelligence software.

Scientific programs perform the research and development tasks needed in different sciences and engineering.

Other applications deal with arts, medicine, entertainment, education.

A special type of application software called utility or service programs help you improve the performance of a computer, prevent unwanted actions, or perform special system-related tasks, such as checking for viruses or sending a fax. Utility programs handle housekeeping tasks that most computer systems are sure to perform on a regular basis. Program debugging aids help a user correct programs. Text editors allow users to modify the contents of data files and computer programs. Utilities are considered to be easy to use and efficient to operate.

II. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What does the system software exist for?

  2. What is the application software required for?

  3. Can multiple applications be used together?

  4. What can make it easier for the user to learn and employ each application in a package?

  5. Can a separate application be embedded in another one?

  6. What are general-purpose applications used for? What do they include?

  7. What do business applications do?

  8. What is the goal of intelligent applications? What are their examples?

  9. What do scientific applications serve for?

  10. Are there any more categories of applications?

  11. What can utility programs do?

  12. What are the examples of utilities?

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