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2126 ТП2010-2-209 Жарикова.doc
1.37 Mб

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык, сопоставляя употребление Ving в различных позициях.

1. a) Carrying out the instructions is the job of the CPU.

b) Carrying out the instructions the CPU processes data.

2. a) The CPU contains the controlling unit.

b) One of the CPU’s units performs the controlling function.

3. a) The computer processes data, converting it into useful information.

b) The computer is an electronic device converting data into useful information.

4. The operation of the arithmetic logic unit involves comparing numbers or executing mathematical operations.

5. a) There are different ways of developing programs.

b) By executing CPU’s instructions the control unit manages all the computer’s resources.

c) In creating programs it is better to use modern languages.

d) When processing data the computer transforms it into digits.

II. Сопоставьте различные значения Ving и Ved.

Ving – какой? -ущ, -ющ Ved – какой? -мый, -нный, -тый, (-щийся)

  1. People using computers. – Computers used by people.

  2. The unit performing the job. – The job performed by the unit.

  3. The computer processing the data. – The data processed by the computer.

  4. The students creating the programs. – The programs created by the students.

  5. The disks storing the data. – The data stored on the disks.

  6. The digits representing the data. – The data represented by the digits.

  7. A special unit controlling the computer. – The computer controlled by a special unit.

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные способы перевода Ving и Ved.

  1. Using various kinds of data a computer enables the user to get useful information.

  2. An outputting device is called a printer.

  3. A network can be built by connecting a number of computers.

  4. Different kinds of instructions are used for controlling the operation of computers.

  5. Every computer has a special device used for the controlling functions.

  6. On completing a program a computer outputs the information through the monitor or printer.

  7. While operating a computer is controlled by a program consisting of a set of instructions.

  8. The existing computers are quite different, including big machines and tiny computers.

  9. Creating new information using different kinds of data is a main task of the computer.

  10. A computer system including hardware and software can’t act without data contained in the computer.

  11. Storing data represented in the form of digits enables the computer to understand it and manipulate it creating useful information.

  12. A computer is a system processing data, converting it into useful information used by people for performing different tasks.

IV. Переведите следующие фразы на английский язык, используя Ving и Ved.

  1. Используя компьютеры…

  2. Информация, представленная компьютером…

  3. Команды, существующие в программе…

  4. Для выполнения операций…

  5. Устройство (какое?) обработки…

  6. Устройство, состоящее из трех частей…

  7. Данные, преобразованные в информацию…

  8. Выполняя программы…

  9. При (=посредством) создании новых команд…

  10. При (=в то время как) при обработке данных…

  11. Задача (какая?) управления…

  12. Устройство, хранящее информацию…


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