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Chapter 12. Creating Your Own Universal Remote Control 212

variable, and when we encounter a newline character, we also set the input_available flag to true. This way, the loop function can determine whether a new command has been received and which command it was.

In loop, we wait for commands. When a new command arrives, we check whether it’s supported. If it is supported, we send the corresponding control code. Otherwise, we print an error message.

Compile and upload the sketch, and you can control the TV of your choice—a Samsung TV, in this example—using any serial monitor, which is quite cool already. The interface is still awkward for less geeky people, so in the next section, you’ll learn how to create a more user-friendly interface.

Controlling Infrared Devices Remotely with Your Browser

We’ve already created several projects that you can control using a serial monitor. For programmers, that’s a nice and convenient interface, but as soon as you want to present your projects to your nontechnical friends, you’d better have something more user-friendly and colorful.

Now we’ll implement a Google Chrome app to create a nice user interface for our cloned remote control. Before you proceed, you should read Appendix 4,

Controlling the Arduino with a Browser, on page 267, if you haven’t already.

The Chrome app’s manifest.json file contains no surprises. It defines the application name and grants the application access to the serial port.



"manifest_version": 2, "name": "TV Remote Emulator", "version": "1", "permissions": [ "serial" ], "app": {

"background": {

"scripts": ["background.js"]



"minimum_chrome_version": "33"


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Controlling Infrared Devices Remotely with Your Browser 213

The same is true for the application’s background.js file. It renders the following

HTML file when the application is launched.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"/> <title>TV Remote Emulator</title>



<div id="main">


<button id="power" type="button">Power</button> <button id="hdmi" type="button">HDMI</button> <button id="source" type="button">Source</button>



<button id="one" type="button">1</button> <button id="two" type="button">2</button> <button id="three" type="button">3</button>



<button id="four" type="button">4</button> <button id="five" type="button">5</button> <button id="six" type="button">6</button>



<button id="seven" type="button">7</button> <button id="eight" type="button">8</button> <button id="nine" type="button">9</button>



<button id="txt" type="button">TXT</button> <button id="zero" type="button">0</button> <button id="pre_ch" type="button">PRE-CH</button>



<button id="vol_up" type="button">V Up</button> <button id="mute" type="button">Mute</button> <button id="prog_up" type="button">Ch Up</button>



<button id="vol_down" type="button">V Down</button> <button id="ch_list" type="button">CH LIST</button> <button id="prog_down" type="button">Ch Down</button>



<script src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>

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Chapter 12. Creating Your Own Universal Remote Control 214

<script src="js/serial_device.js"></script> <script src="js/remote.js"></script>



This HTML document defines seven rows that contain three buttons each. Also, it loads several JavaScript files. It loads the jQuery library and the SerialDevice class we defined in Writing a SerialDevice Class, on page 274. In addition, it loads a file named remote.js that defines what happens when a user clicks a button on our virtual remote.


Line 1 $(function() {

-var BAUD_RATE = 9600;

-var remote = new SerialDevice("/dev/tty.usbmodem24311", BAUD_RATE);


5remote.onConnect.addListener(function() {

-console.log("Connected to: " + remote.path);





-$("[type=button]").on("click", function(event){

-var buttonType = $(event.currentTarget).attr("id");

-console.log("Button pressed: " + buttonType);

-remote.send(buttonType + "\n");






In remote.js, we use jQuery’s $ function in the first line to make sure all Java-


Script code gets executed after the whole HTML page has been loaded. Then


we define a new SerialDevice instance named remote and connect to it. Make


sure you’re using the right serial port name here.


The rest of the code attaches callback functions to all of the buttons we’ve


defined. We use jQuery’s $ function to select all elements having the type


button. Then we call the on function for each button element and pass it the


parameter click to add a callback function that gets called when the button


gets clicked.


In the callback function for click events, we use the event’s currentTarget prop-


erty in line 12 to determine which button has actually been clicked. We read


the button’s ID attribute and use it as the command we send to the Arduino.


If the user clicks the button with the ID one, the program will send the com-


mand one to the Arduino. The Arduino will then send the corresponding code


via infrared. Using a consistent naming scheme for the button elements in


the HTML page has really paid off. To add another button, you only have to

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Controlling Infrared Devices Remotely with Your Browser 215

modify the HTML page. Add a new button element and set its ID attribute to the name of the Arduino command that emits the corresponding remote control code.

To align the buttons of our virtual remote control and to make the Chrome app look nice, we use the following stylesheet:


#main { width: 18em;

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;


button { width: 6em;


The stylesheet mainly ensures that all buttons have the same width. Run the Chrome app, and you’ll see something like the following figure:

Upload the sketch from Cloning a Remote, on page 207, to your Arduino and start the Chrome app. Click any button to perform the corresponding action. That’s an interface even your grandma could use, isn’t it?

You still need to connect the Arduino to your computer’s serial port to control it with a web browser. In the next section, you’ll learn how to overcome this and control an Arduino without a serial connection.

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