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7.2. Transform the sentences with the help of adverbial clauses of time.

  1. Having thus settled the sleeping arrangements to the satisfaction of all four of us, the only thing left to discuss was what we should take with us.

  2. I always determine – when thinking over the matter in London – that I’ll get up early every morning, and go and have a dip before breakfast, and I religiously pack up a pair of drawers and a bath towel.

  3. Then Harris and I, having finished up the few things left on the table, carted out our luggage on to the doorstep, and waited for a cab.

  4. We were interrupted by a defiant snore from George. It reminded us, for the first time since our being called, of his existence.

  5. The hotel bill came to fifteen guineas; and my friend, after reckoning everything up, found that the cheeses had cost him eight-and-sixpence a pound.

  6. He was evidently in a great hurry when he first dawned upon the vision, but, on catching sight of Harris and me, and Montmorency, and the things, he eased up and stared.

  7. George made no answer, and we found, on going over, that he had been asleep for some time; so we placed the bath where he could tumble into it on getting out in the morning, and went to bed ourselves.

  8. Finally having entirely repacked the beaded bag three times, Hermione seemed unable to find any more reasons to delay.

  9. Seeing him on the other side of the street, I called him.

  10. When questioned Annie had implied vaguely... that she was anxious about her brother-in-law.

  11. Approaching Malta Street, Soho, Soames thought with wonder of those years in Brighton. Having sent the invitation, I felt a sense of relief.

7.3. Fill in the gaps with by, by the time, until.

1. ................. we pulled over, the police car caught up with ours. 2. Don’t change the gear .............. you have pressed the clutch. 3. If he doesn’t change the windscreen wipers, his windscreen will be blotted …….. he arrives home. 4. I waited .................. the red car overtook mine, then I pressed the accelerator pedal. 5. The petrol tank was nearly empty .................. we pulled in a petrol station. 6. We will have to change the winter tyres ……… March. 7. I don’t want to sell my automobile until I check the engine. 8. Her father asked her to return ............ it got dark.

7.4. Translate into English using the correct verb form.

1. Как только я закончу плавать, я тебе позвоню. 2. Не успела я поставить будильник, как он сработал. 3. В тот миг, когда он срезал побег плюща, он увидел гадюку. 4. Я не принесу тебе добавку, пока ты не съешь овощи. 5. К тому времени, как он уедет в отпуск, мы успеем оформить страховку. 6. Отдай мне фен, когда закончишь сушить волосы. 7. Стоило ему упомянуть подоходный налог, как администраторша презрительно рассмеялась. 8. Только когда вы заплатите по счету, вы сможете уехать из отеля и забрать свои вещи. 9. Как только она зашла в прачечную, ее кто-то окликну из глубины зала. 10. В тот момент, когда я подам знак, тебе нужно будет включить свет и закричать «Сюрприз!» 11. Не волнуйтесь, я вернусь домой к тому времени, как стемнеет. 12. Не успел он и глазом моргнуть, как у него украли кошелек. 13. Как только стемнеет, возвращайся в дом. 14. Пока собака не перестанет лаять, ребенок не заснет. 15. Не успела она сказать и слово, как свекровь встряла в разговор.

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