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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
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Very, too, far, much, a lot, rather, a bit, a little, any, by far, quite, nearly, almost

  1. Go slower. You’re driving ________ fast for me.

  2. I didn’t enjoy the meal _______ much.

  3. I’m afraid the problem is ________ more complicated than it seems.

  4. I thought she was younger than me, but in fact she is ________ older.

  5. She is ________ intelligent to believe it!

  6. It was ________ the most stressful day in my life.

  7. I’m sorry I’m a bit late but I couldn’t get here ________ sooner.

  8. She fell and hurt her arm ________ badly.

  9. The last of these reasons is ________ the most important.

  10. How do you feel today? Are you ________ better?

Ex.20. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions as ... as or not so ... as/not as ... as. For comparison use the following adjectives:

much (x2), expensive, heavy, easy, interesting, fast, cold (x2), soon

  1. Why don't you buy a motorbike? Motorbikes are ________ cars.

  2. Her hands were ________ ice.

  3. There's enough food for everybody. You can take ________ you want.

  4. His last book didn't sell successfully because it was ________the previous one.

  5. I'm sorry I'm late. I got here ________ I could.

  6. It isn't warm today, but it is ________ yesterday.

  7. The task was ________ I had expected but finally I managed to understand the


  1. Can you give me the reply ________ possible, please?

  2. It's the holiday season, so the traffic is ________ usual.

  3. You can't expect the same profit because you have invested ________ me.

Ex.21. Translate into English.

Вдвічі більше, втричі менше, вп'ятеро важче, вдвічі старше, вчетверо довше, вполовину коротше.

Ex.22. Complete the sentences using the comparative constructions -er and -er/more and more... and the + comparative … , the + comparative … .

  1. As I was waiting for my interview, I was getting ________ (nervous).

  2. Do you want a big house? - Yes, ________ (big), ________ (good).

  3. It's ________ (hard) to find time for everything you'd like to do.

  4. ________ (far) he was telling the story, ________ (much) we laughed.

  5. ________ (dangerous) it is, ________ (much) I like it.

  6. The grammatical topics are ________ (hard). I'm afraid I'll fail in the test.

  7. ________ (much) I get to know you, ________ (little) I understand you.

  8. We were getting tired and were walking ________ (slowly).

  9. ________ (old) he gets, ________ (forgetful) he becomes.

  10. My list of things to do gets________ (long).

Ex.23. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. Chinese food is the nicer than Indian I think.

  2. It's a school for the deaf people.

  3. Everyone seemed very nervously.

  4. You aren't enough tall to play basketball.

  5. Our house is so big as yours.

  6. She spoke to us friendly.

  7. I like your leather new nice jacket.

  8. The trip was far much longer than we had expected.

  9. I felt happyer in my previous job.

  10. I tried hardly but I didn't succeed.

  11. The afraid child was crying for his mother.

  12. Let me know if you need any farther help.

  13. It’s the more delicious dish I’ve ever tasted.

  14. A new car is twice expensive as a second-hand one.

  15. It was enough late to start a new project.

Ex.24. Translate into English.

  1. Чим більше він читає англійською, тим менше користується словником.

  2. Джейн виглядає вдвічі молодшою своєї сестри, хоча вона такого ж віку.

  3. Ти говориш занадто швидко. Вони тебе не розуміють.

  4. Хоча у нас були дуже погані місця, нам дуже сподобалась вистава.

  5. Він сердито подивився на мене. «Чому ти такий сердитий сьогодні?»- запитав я.

  6. Він недостатньо досвідчений, щоб очолити відділ.

  7. Ти часто ходиш до бібліотеки? - Зазвичай я працюю в бібліотеці один раз на тиждень, але зараз ходжу туди частіше, тому що скоро у нас дуже важкий семінар.

  8. Дводенна конференція була найцікавішою за останні три роки.

  9. Ставало все темніше, і ми вирішили йти додому.

  10. Молодим більше подобаються фільми-бойовики і фентезі.

  11. Мені подобаються наші нові сусіди. Вони такі приємні люди і такі доброзичливі до всіх.

  12. Я бачив Джона тільки раз. Я мало знаю його.

  13. Наш готель менш дорогий, ніж минулого разу, а розташований набагато ближче до центру міста.

  14. На іспиті я легко відповів на два питання, але останнє завдання було набагато важчим.