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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
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Unit 8. Taxes

TEXT A: Taxes

TEXT B: Taxation in the UK

TEXT C: Taxes are good


GRAMMAR: Pronouns. Adjectives. Adverbs. Comparison

People who complain about taxes can be divided into two classes: 

men and women. 

Author unknown


  1. What are the main goods and services that any government provides to its citizens? If these things were owned by private companies, we would be charged a fee for using them. What could happen if someone could not afford fire protection, or trash collection, or national defence?

  2. Where do governments get the money to pay for all these goods and services?

  3. Make a list of different types of taxes you can think of. If you do not know their actual names, try to describe what they are paid for.

  4. What do you think a “good tax” may mean?


  1. Reading drills

Ex.1. Read the words with the following letter combinations.

are [ɛə] welfare, care, dare, spare, rare, compare

ire [ɑiə] retire, require, fire, acquire, tire, expire

air [ɛə] fair, stair, pair, hair, air, lair

aw [ɔ:] law, lawn, awe, awful, awkward, paw

Ex.2. Read the following words with the letter g in different positions.

[g] degree, regulation, government, slogan, great, regardless

[dʒ] energy, engineering, generate, average, suggest, percentage, marginal

[ŋ] among, nothing, seeing, paying

Ex.3. Read the words in the groups bellow. Pay attention to the word stress.

a) words with the stress on the first syllable:

certain, operate, elderly, benefit, common, public, vary, burden, taxable, influence, social, fiscal, modify, pattern, purpose, legal, levy, advocate, generate, governance, equity, equitable, argue, loophole, standard, manner, principle, measure, recognise, average, marginal, total;

b) words with the stress on the second syllable:

except, society, accept, include, utilities, activity, distribute, security, performance, transaction, transfer (v), discourage, taxation, degree, complain, criteria, efficient, intelligible, allow, withhold, afford, discomfort, impose, proportional, progressive, regressive, percentage;

c) polysyllabic words with the main and secondary stress:

economic, engineering, infrastructure, education, unemployment, regulation, externalities, representation, accountability.

Ex.4. Practice reading the following words.

Except, accept, throughout, vary, redistribute, social, society, disabled, transaction, purpose, consequential, representation, externalities, accountability, governance, government, criterion, criteria, equitable, argue, simplicity, intelligible, efficiency, withhold, measure, assume, percentage, average.

B. Word formation

Ex.5. Form verbs adding prefix re- as in the model. Explain what new meaning the prefix adds to the words.

Model: writerewrite

Distribute, price, do, apply, appoint, organise, appraise, make, build, construct, count, examine.

Ex.6. Identify each of the following words as a noun-thing, a noun-person, an adjective, or an adverb. Translate the words into Ukrainian.

Taxation, physical, governance, accountability, recognise, theoretic, dangerous, manageable, protection, difference, homeless, really, idealist, excellence, possible, leadership, society, shorten, generate, specify, taxpayer, hopeful.

Ex.7. Choose the variant, A, B, or C, that correctly completes each sentence.

1. The __________ of the news was clear for everybody.

A importance

B important

C importantly

2. The company was unable to __________ enough profit to stay in business.

A generator

B generate

C generation

3. As your medical problem is so serious, you should see a __________ .

A specialize

B special

C specialist

4. The manager was able to __________ his team to perform better.

A motivate

B motivator

C motivation

5. It is __________ that they live so close to the university.

A conveniently

B convenience

C convenient

6. He gave an __________ incorrect answer to the question.

A obvious

B obviously

C obviate

7. It was necessary for the speaker to __________ her message.

A clarify

B clarity

C clarification

8. He was not concerned about the __________ of his actions.

A careless

B carelessness

C carelessly

9. The children ran __________ to the entrance of the park.

A excitedly

B excited

C excitement

10. I think this book is one of the most __________ novels of recent years.

A impression

B impressionist

C impressive