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Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу економічних спеціальностей .docx
4.36 Mб

Типи питальних речень

Present Simple

Теперішній простий час

Present Continuous

Теперішній тривалий час

Present Perfect

Теперішній доконаний час

Present Perfect Continuous

Теперішній доконано-тривалий час

Nick generally communicates with me by email or by phone. He sends me messages quite often.

He sends you messages quite often, doesn’t he?

– Yes, he does.

He doesn’t phone you every day, does he?

- No, he doesn’t.

Does he send you messages

quite often?

Doesn’t he send you messages every day?

Does he call you every day or

every week?

How often does he send you messages?

Who sends you messages so often?


Якщо у кінці репліки має бути коротке заперечне пи­тання до ’I am”, то вжива­ється форма ‘aren’t I?’


I’m a bit late, aren’t I?

Но: I’m not late, am I?

Kelly is learning to drive at the moment. She is trying to park the car at the appointed space.

Kelly is parking her car, isn’t she?

– Yes, she is.

Kelly is not driving to us, is she?

– No, she isn’t.

Is Kelly taking the car to her garage?

Isn’t Kelly parking the car at the appointed space?

Is she parking the car at the appointed space or is she taking it to the garage?

Where is she parking the car?

What is Kelly doing?

Who is learning to drive at the moment?

Anita has bought a notebook. She hasn’t sold her old computer yet.

Anita has bought a notebook, hasn’t she?

- Yes, she has.

Anita hasn’t sold her old notebook yet, has she? - No, she hasn’t.

Has Anita bought a new notebook? - Yes, she has.

Has she sold her old computer yet?

Hasn’t she sold her old computer yet?


У запитаннях, що починаються з when завжди вживається Past Simple, a не Present Perfect.


Theyve bought a new luxury car. – Have they? When did they buy it?

It has been raining for about two hours.

It has been raining for about two hours, hasn’t it?

- Yes, it has.

It hasn’t been raining all day today, has’t it? - No, it hasn’t.

Has it been raining long?

How long has it been raining?

Since when has it been raining?