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Lorne H. Blackbourne-Surgical recall, Sixth Edition 2011.pdf
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514 Section II / General Surgery

How is the diagnosis made?

What is the risk factor for rupture?

What are the indications for splenic artery aneurysm removal?

What is the treatment for splenic aneurysm?

Usually by abdominal pain S U/S or CT scan, in the O.R. after rupture, or incidentally by eggshell calcifications seen on AXR


Pregnancy, 2 cm in diameter, symptoms, and in women of childbearing age

Resection or percutaneous catheter embolization in high-risk (e.g., portal hypertension) patients


What is it?

How is the diagnosis made?

Why examine the contralateral popliteal artery?

What are the indications for elective surgical repair of a popliteal aneurysm?

Why examine the rest of the arterial tree (especially the abdominal aorta)?

What size of the following aneurysms are usually considered indications for surgical repair:

Thoracic aorta?

Aneurysm of the popliteal artery caused by atherosclerosis and, rarely, bacterial infection

Usually by physical exam S A-gram, U/S

50% of all patients with a popliteal artery aneurysm have a popliteal artery aneurysm in the contralateral popliteal artery

1.2 cm in diameter

2.Intraluminal thrombus

3.Artery deformation

75% of all patients with popliteal aneurysms have additional aneurysms elsewhere; 50% of these are located in the abdominal aorta/iliacs

6.5 cm

Abdominal aorta?

5.5 cm


Chapter 66 / Vascular Surgery 515

Iliac artery?

4 cm

Femoral artery?

2.5 cm

Popliteal artery?

2 cm





Define the following terms:


“Milk leg”

A.k.a. phlegmasia alba dolens (alba


white): often seen in pregnant women


with occlusion of iliac vein resulting


from extrinsic compression by the uterus


(thus, the leg is “white” because of


subcutaneous edema)

Phlegmasia cerulea

In comparison, phlegmasia cerulea dolens


is secondary to severe venous outflow


obstruction and results in a cyanotic leg;


the extensive venous thrombosis results


in arterial inflow impairment

Raynaud’s phenomenon

Vasospasm of digital arteries with color


changes of the digits; usually initiated


by cold/emotion


White (spasm), then blue (cyanosis), then


red (hyperemia)

Takayasu’s arteritis

Buerger’s disease

What is the treatment for Buerger’s disease?

What is blue toe syndrome?

Arteritis of the aorta and aortic branches, resulting in stenosis/occlusion/ aneurysms

Seen mostly in women

A.k.a. thromboangiitis obliterans: occlusion of the small vessels of the hands and feet; seen in young men who smoke; often results in digital gangrene S amputations

Smoking cessation, /– sympathectomy

Microembolization from proximal atherosclerotic disease of the aorta resulting in blue, painful, ischemic toes

516 Section II / General Surgery


What is a “paradoxical

Venous embolus gains access to the left


heart after going through an intracardiac


defect, most commonly a patent foramen


ovale, and then lodges in a peripheral



What size iliac aneurysm

4 cm diameter

should be repaired?


What is Behçet’s disease?

Genetic disease with aneurysms from loss


of vaso vasorum; seen with oral, ocular, and


genital ulcers/inflammation (c incidence in


Japan, Mediterranean)

Section III Subspecialty Surgery

C h a p t e r 67 Pediatric Surgery

What is the motto of pediatric surgery?

What is a simple way to distract a pediatric patient when examining the abdomen for tenderness?

“Children are NOT little adults!”

Listen to the abdomen with the stethoscope and then push down on the abdomen with the stethoscope to check for tenderness


What is the estimated blood volume of infants and children?

What is the maintenance IV fluid for children?

Why 1/4 NS?

8% of body weight or 80 cc/kg

D5 1/4 NS 20 mEq KCl

Children (especially those younger than 4 years of age) cannot concentrate their urine and cannot clear excess sodium

How are maintenance fluid rates calculated in children?

4, 2, 1 per hour:

4 cc/kg for the first 10 kg of body weight

2 cc/kg for the second 10 kg of body weight

1 cc/kg for every kilogram over the first 20 (e.g., the rate for a child weighing 25 kg is 4 10 40 plus 2 10 20 plus 1 5 5, for an IVF rate of 65 cc/hr)

What is the minimal urine

From 1 to 2 mL/kg/hr

output for children?



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