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4. Прочитайте электронное сообщение и напишите ответ.

5. Напишите электронное сообщение:

а) своему другу с приглашением пойти на выставку в музей;

б) преподавателю с объяснением, почему вы не сдали курсовую работу вовремя;

в) в деканат, чтобы узнать расписание экзаменационной сессии;

г) группе студентов с просьбой помочь Вам найти необходимую литературу по какому-либо предмету;

д) на тему, которая вас сейчас волнует.


1. . Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные слова.

Good communication skills project an image of confidence and____1____. Although some of them are natural and go without saying some of them still can be acquired by practice and preparation. Sometimes it’s useful to develop a strategy when you want to start a conversation with someone you don’t know.

  • Start with “hello” and simply tell the other person your ___2___ and ask them theirs. Then offer your ___3___ to shake.

  • Look around and see if there is anything unusual to point out. (Talking about the ____4____ is probably not a good idea unless there is something very unusual about it – a storm, snow, tornado, etc.) “Have you seen that picture over there?” – “This is an interesting building. I wonder how old it is.”

  • If you can, offer a ____5____ about something, but only if it is sincere and not too personal. For example, “I saw you using a MacBook – looks very nice. Are you happy with it?”

  • Ask questions which will make the other person feel that they are interesting. People like talking about themselves but don’t make the questions too personal. Ask for their ___6____ about things and their possible experience of current ___7____ and situations. “Have you been affected by this strike?” It’s not a bad idea to mentally prepare a list of possible ____8___ before you begin the conversation. Avoid politics and ___9____ because they are sensitive subjects for some people.

  • Instead of worrying about what you are going to say next, ___10___ carefully to what the other person is saying and take up any conversation opportunities they offer you. Agree, disagree, ask follow-up questions and ___11___ opinions to show you are interested.

  • Look the other person in the eyes, but don’t ___12___ or get too close. Smile occasionally, but avoid using a fixed grin.

Name, compliment, offer, topics, intelligence, opinions, listen, weather, religion, issues, stare, hand

2. Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения. (True or False).

1. To start a conversation with someone you don’t know doesn’t reqire any skills.

2. Start with smiling and hugging.

3. Talking about the weather is the best idea.

4. People like compliments and are happy when they are very personal.

5. People like talking about themselves.

6. It is safe to speak about present situations.

7. It is a good idea to make up a list of possible questions.

8. When you know what to say it’s not necessary to listen what the person is saying.

9. Stare the person and get close.

10. Smile as often as you can.

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