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8. Prosecute – преследовать по закону, преследовать в судебном порядке, поддерживать обвинение

~ a case – вести судебное дело, поддерживать обвинение

~ a crime – преследовать за совершение преступления, обвинять в совершении преступления

~ a criminal – преследовать (в уголовном порядке) преступника

~ an offender – преследовать (в уголовном порядке) преступника

prosecution – обвинение

prosecutor - прокурор

prosecuting barrister – прокурор, сторона обвинения

9. Prove – доказывать

~ a case – доказывать дело (версию)

~ guilt – доказывать вину (виновность)

~ guilt beyond reasonable doubt – доказать вину при отсутствии обоснованного сомнения

~ innocence – доказать невиновность

~ the case “on the balance of probabilities” - доказать дело на отношении вероятностей

10. Precedent – президент; предшествующий, предварительный

~ law – президентное право (англо-саксонская система права)

binding ~ - президент, имеющий обязательную силу

judicial ~ судебный президент

follow the precedent - следовать президенту (ранее принятому судебному решению суда высокой инстанции)

11. sue – предъявлять иск, обращаться в суд, выступать в качестве истца

sue and be sued – подавать иск и отвечать по искам

suit – иск, судебная тяжба, судебное дело

civil suit – гражданский иск

12. Wrong – правонарушение, вред; причинять вред; неправильный

~ against an individual – причинение вреда частному лицу

~ against the public – причинение вреда обществу

civil ~ - гражданское правонарушение

criminal ~ уголовное правонарушение, преступление




The Kremlin Red Square

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior The State Tretyakov Gallery

1. Посмотрите на фотографии и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Do you like travelling?

2. Do people travel much nowadays?

3. Why do people travel?

4. How can people travel?

5. Is Russia attractive for foreigners? Why?

6. What is the capital of Russia?

7. What famous sights of Moscow do you know?

8. What do you know about the history of Moscow?

2. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, которые помогут Вам описать достопримечательности Москвы, и переведите их на русский язык. Составьте с ними предложения.

Russian customs and traditions, ancient architecture, Russian orthodox cathedrals, churches and monasteries, icon painting, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the State Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, old mansions and monuments, a huge gilded dome, redbrick walls, museums.

3. Прочитайте диалог.

- Is it your first visit to Moscow?

- Yes, and unfortunately I haven't got much time.

- So what are you going to do while you are here?

- Well, I don't know much about Moscow, you know. Just the Kremlin and Red Square.

- You've just got two days, haven't you? You are going to be pretty busy if you want to see all the sights.

- I'm planning to start early tomorrow morning. What should I do first?

- I think you should start with the Kremlin. The Kremlin is in the center of Moscow. It is an outstanding historical and architectural monument that serves as a symbol for the whole Russia. You have to do that.

- It sounds great. I'll definitely do that. Tell me where Red Square is.

- It is located in front of the Kremlin's western wall. The square is fenced in the State Historical Museum building, the GUM building, and St. Basil Cathedral. For many centuries Red Square has served as the place for important historical events. Red Square was founded at the end of the 15th century.

- What else do you recommend?

- Well, it depends on what you like - art, shopping, theatre?

- Well, not shopping particularly. But I'd like to see an art gallery or two.

- Oh, then you must go to the State Tretyakov Gallery. It is the most important storehouse of Russian art in the world. It is renowned for its collection of famous Russian icons and masterpieces by Russia's artistic geniuses, including Repin, Vrubel, Kandinsky, Malevich and others. It is situated on two territories, separated from each other by several city districts. It gives the opportunity to represent the whole history of Russian art from the ancient period to our contemporaries.

- Right.

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