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9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a telephone?

2. What is the basic function of the phone?

3. What does it consist of?

4. What is the difference between landline telephones and mobile phones?

5. Is a mobile phone the same as a cordless telephone?

6. What have you learned about the history of the telephone?

7. Why is invention of the electric telephone frequently disputed?

8. What fact is considered undisputed?

10. Найдите лишнее слово.

1. appliance, device, apparatus, design, machine

2. radio, television, telephone, computer, forum

3. keypad, dial, number, microphone, earphone, ringer

4. mobile, forensic, cordless, landline, portable, cell

5. lawsuits, patents, counterclaims, controversies, claims.

11. Составьте усеченные конструкции со словами, данными в таблице по модели.

а) Поставьте глаголы в действительный и страдательный залог там, где это возможно.

б) Придумайте пять предложений с получившимися конструкциями.

Model: A telephone connects …

A telephone is connected ….

A telephone

A microphone

An earphone

A ringer

A handset

to use

to invent

to consider

to reproduce

to speak into

to improve

to receive

to make a sound

to connect

12. Работа в парах. Посмотрите на схему. Вспомните текст. Какие ассоциации у вас возникают со словом «телефон»? Составьте словосочетания. Расскажите партнеру, что вы узнали о телефоне.

13. Прочитайте памятку о правилах чтения телефонных номеров по-английски.

14. Работа в парах. Прочитайте диалог, обращая особое внимание на чтение числительных. Продиктуйте номер своего мобильного или домашнего телефона.

Caller 1: Hello, this is Jane. Caller 2: Hello, this is Ken. May I speak to Andy?

Caller 1: I'm afraid Andy isn't in at the moment. Caller 2: Could you take a message?

Caller 1: Sure, just a moment let me get a pencil... OK. Caller 2: Great. Can you tell Andy that we're meeting tomorrow at three o'clock.

Caller 1: OK ... three o'clock meeting with Ken. Does he know where the meeting is? Caller 2: Tell him we'll be meeting in the corner office downtown.

Caller 1: Yes, corner office downtown. Is there anything else? Caller 2: I'll leave my telephone number just in case he doesn't have it.

Caller 1: OK, I'm ready. Caller 2: Yes, my cell phone number is 439 908 7754.

Caller 1: That's 439 808 7754. Caller 2: No, it's 439 908 7754.

Caller 1: Ah, sorry. Caller 2: No problem. Thanks for your help.

Caller 1: I'll make sure Andy sees this as soon as he gets in tonight. Caller 2: Thank you. Good bye.

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