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В английском языке, как и в других языках, есть довольно большое количество слов, которые имеют, в основном, латинские и греческие корни и понятны без перевода. Например: radio, telephone, computer и т.д. Такие слова называются интернационализмами. Они часто используются как термины, т.е. слова, обозна­чающие определенные понятия в науке, технике, ис­кусстве. Сами названия наук также являются интер-национализмами. Например: Physics, Mathematics, Biology и т.д. Знание интеряационализмов облегчает чтение, понимание и перевод научных и технических текстов. Однако, не все интернационализмы имеют одинаковое значение в английском и в русском язы­ках. Например:

cabinet шкафчик, корпус прибора (и кабинет)

accurate точный

fabric ткань

mixture смесь (мед. микстура) и т.д.

знаками транскрипции, и найдите их русские экви­валенты:

student [stju:dnt]

music ['mjuizik]

sport [spo:t]

Academy [a'kasdami]

engineer [епйзГшэ]

profession ['end3i шэ]

cafe [kzefei]

coffee [koh]

visit ['vizit]

comedy ['komedi]

park [pa;k]

sphere [sfia]

experiment [iks'perimsnt] diploma [di'plouma]

rr^ 1-3. Найдите пары слов, имеющих противопо­ложные значения.

1. to close a. to finish

  1. after

  2. here

  3. first

  4. evening

  5. much

  6. tomorrow

  7. bad

  8. to begin

  1. to take

  2. south

  3. white

  4. to ask

  5. few

  6. new

b. north

c. last

d. before

e. yesterday

f. to give

g. old

h. there

i. morning j- good

k. many 1. little m.to open n. black o. to answer

1.4. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, не подхо­дящее по смыслу.

  1. driver, doctor, teacher, corner, engineer

  2. train, car, river, tram, bus

  3. week, year, yesterday, month, day

  4. man, woman, girl, postman, boy

  5. student, professor, lecture, hospital, examination

  6. wide, green, brown, white, black

  7. February, November, March, Monday, July

  8. winter, summer, year, autumn, spring

  9. body, arm, leg, head, hand

  1. hand, head, leg, arm, foot, shoe

  2. Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, August, Sunday

  3. Moscow, Tver', Paris, Samara, Novosibirsk

1.5. Найдите в валенты английских

I. course 2.enough

  1. equipment

  2. foreign

  3. half

  4. knowledge

  5. language

  6. quarter

  7. rather

10. rest

II. several

  1. subject

  2. term

  3. to carry out

  4. to connect lfi.to miss 17. to prefer

правой колонке русские эквн-слов.

А. выполнять


C. довольно

D. достаточно

E. знания

F. иностранный

G. курс

H. несколько

I. оборудование J. обычно

К.остаток L. половина М. предмет N. предпочитать О. пропускать Р. различный Q. соединять

LESSON 1. My biography

  1. to prepare

  2. usually

  3. various

R. термин S. четверть Т. язык



Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Tatiana or Tanya for my friends. My surname or last name is Lavrova. I was born on the 19th of October 1984 in Moscow. Now I am a first-year student at the Technical Academy. In five years I'll be an engineer.

Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming.

Now a few words about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Yevgeny Yakovlevich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother's name is Nadezhda Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.

In May I have left (finished) school. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a programmer or maybe a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.

    1. exact [ig'zaskt] Mathematics is an exact science, точный

    2. especially [is'pejsli] особенно

    major fmeidja] главный, больший, более важный

  1. means [mi:nz] средство

  2. efficient [I'fijsnt] эффективный

  3. area ['еэпэ] площадь, область, сфера деятельности

  4. necessary ['nesisan] необходимый

It can be very hot in summer, especially in the south.

Mathematics, Physics and Technical drawing are the major subjects for engineers. Telephone is a means of communication. Sports was very efficient for her in reducing weight. Russia has the largest area of land in the world.

Knowledge of English is absolutely necessary nowadays.

%'~ 2.2. Прочитайте следующие слова, пользуясь знаками транскрипции, и найдите их русские экви­валенты:

problem ['ргэЫэгп]

information [.mfa'mei/an]

planet ['pkenit]

official [a'fifsl]

colony ['кэ1эш]

technology [tek'noladsi]

organisation [,э:дэпаГzeijan]

literature ['Ыэгн/э]

tourism ftuanzm]

process ['prouses]

specialist ['spejalist]

culture ['kAitfa]

certificate [sa'tifikit]

gymnasium [crjim'neizjam] technical ['teknikal] professional [pra'fefanl] system [sistim] technician [tek'mfan] programme ['ргоидгжт] million ['miljgn] equivalent [l'kwrvalant] stipend ['staipend] candidate ['kasndidit] dissertation [,disa'teijan] discipline ['disiplm]

. Найдите пары слов, имеющих противопо­ложные значения.

  1. absent A. closed

  2. cheap В. cold

  3. deep С. dull

  4. difficult D. easy

  5. high E. expensive

  6. hot F. far

  7. interesting G. huge

  8. long H. last

  9. near I. low

  1. next J. narrow

  2. open K. old

  3. rich L. poor

  4. small M. present

  5. wide N. shallow

  6. young 0. short

Gj§i 2.4. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, общее по смыслу.

  1. wall, roof, floor, house, door

  2. teacher, lesson, exercise, pupil, school

  3. meals, supper, dinner, lunch, breakfast

  1. car, bus, tram, vehicle, lorry

  2. summer, season, winter, spring, autumn

  3. seven, eleven, number, one, eight

  4. chair, bed, sofa, table, furniture

  5. monitor, mouse, computer, programme, scanner

  6. snow , ice, water, rain, fog

  1. second, time, minute, hour, day

  2. daughter, son, family, father, mother

  3. education, school, institute, college, university

2.5. Найдите в оравой колонке русские экви­валенты английских слов.

  1. aim А. весь

  2. area В. необходимый

  3. certain С. определенный

  4. efficient D. особенно

  5. especially Е. площадь

  6. exact F. получать

  7. means G. появляться

  8. necessary Н. разрабатывать

  9. number I. средство

  1. to appear J. точный

  2. to develop К. цель

  3. to receive L. число

  4. whole M. эффективный



Primary and secondary education. At the age of six, children in Russia enter a primary school where they study four years. Intermediate education begins with

grade five and continues through grade nine. There are thousands of schools of different types in Russia. There are state schools of general education, where pupils study Russian (or a native language), Literature, Mathemat­ics, History, Biology, Geography, Music, Arts and for­eign languages. There are also a number of specialised schools, where pupils can get deep knowledge of certain subjects - foreign languages, Mathematics, Physics etc. Besides state schools (where education is free of charge) there appeared lately many private schools, lyceums, gym­nasiums, colleges and special courses where tuition is paid by the parents. After 9 years of schooling children can study for three years more and receive a secondary school certificate or enter vocational-technical schools.

Special secondary education. Russia's system of special secondary education is well developed. There are more than two thousand special secondary schools in Russia. They train skilled and semi-professional workers such as technicians, nurses, primary school teachers, and other specialists. The specialized secondary school programme lasts up to four years, and graduates receive the equivalent of a general secondary education as well as specialized technical training. Vocational-technical schools offer one- to three-year programmes of training.

Higher education. There are more than five hundred establishments of higher education with more than two million students in Russia. A large percentage of students take correspondence courses or attend classes on a part-time basis. Tuition is free and students receive a monthly stipend, but some universities now charge students for tuition. Undergraduate training in higher educational institutions usually involves a four- or five-year course of study, after which students can enrol for graduate training for a one- to three-year term. Graduate students who successfully complete their courses of study,

2. 3a« A3i.

comprehensive examinations, and the defence of their dissertations receive degrees «Candidate of Sciences*. A higher degree, «Doctor of Sciences* is awarded to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to their disciplines.

The country's most well-known universities include Moscow M. V. Lomonosov State University founded in 1755, St Petersburg State University founded in 1819, Kazan' State University founded in 1804, and Novosi­birsk State University founded in 1959. Other important universities are located in Rostov-na-Donu, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Vladivostok, and Voronezh.

Дополните лышй словарь:

besides [bi'saidz] кроме

того, помимо lately E'leith] в последнее


general ['cfcenersl] общий, обычный, главный, основной private ['prawn] частный lyceum [lai'siam] лицей gymnasium [t&im'neizjsm]

1) гимнастический зал;

2) гимназия college ['kolidjj колледж schooling ['sku:lin] обуче- ние, образование

comprehensive school [,k3mpn'hensiv] общеоб­разовательная школа

comprehensive всесторон­ний, полный

higher school [haia] выс­шая школа

correspondence courses заочные курсы

graduate school, postgra­duate school, graduate training аспирантура graduate students аспи­ранты

tuition [tju:'ijan] обучение tuition fee плата за обучение etc. (лат. et cetera) и так далее

skilled [skild] квалифици­рованный, умелый, опытный

semi-professional ['semi prs'fe/anl] полупрофес­сиональный

nurse [na:s] медицинская сестра, няня

training ['tremin] 1) воспи­тание 2)обучение


[is'tffiblijmsnt] учрежде­ние, организация

scholar ['skald] ученый

defence [di'fens] защита

to award [a'wo:d] присуж­дать что-л.; награждать чем-л.

2.6. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. When do children in Russia enter a primary school?

  2. How long do they study at the primary school?

  3. What kinds of secondary schools are there in Russia?

  4. What subjects do pupils study in secondary schools?

  5. Is education in Russia free of charge?

  6. What are the possible ways to continue education af-- ter finishing the secondary school?

7. What are the most well known Universities in Rus- sia?


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